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Formidable Opponent

Lewa Krom


What are you doing thinking you're going to try to join the BZPRPG, LK? You're busy enough as it is. You have an epic to write. And two other epics to co-write. Plus you still need to read/review The New Age and The Rogi Nui Chronicles! Not to mention to epic you promised you'd review for the Epics Critic Club.


I know, LK, but it sounds like fun.


That is absolutely not excuse LK. You have things to do. Fun can come later.


But some of the great writers of BZP claim that the BZPRPG helped them to improve their writing. I need to improve my writing, therefore I should join the BZPRPG.


But what about Bionicle: Next Generation, LK? You still have to finish rewriting the final fight scene in The Empire so that Toa Renddslow can organize the fighting "moves".


It's only a scene. It won't take that long. Plus, lewathetoa's finishing up the final battle - well the end of it anyway. I don't have much to worry about there, do I?


What about Blender, LK? You could be spending that time learning Blender!


*whines*But I don't feel like it. I'll spend a day or two over Spring Break working on that and then try to model some masks for BNG.


And what about the voice acting topic? You haven't updated that in ages, LK.


I get it. I should be working on BNG, but I also want to do the BZPRPG.


And Ahem? That's been going downhill until KanohiJournal saved you. You should be working on that too!


Yeah, yeah. Whatever. <_<


And what about your epic you're writing with Lord of Ice. You're supposed to have the prologue finished this afternoon.


Okay, I get it. I need to get control of myself.


That's the spirit.


Starting with you. I'm joining the BZPRPG!


What-? I tho-! ... We are joining the BZPRPG.


That's more like it.


We are joining the BZPRPG!


So you better watch out - because I have no idea how it works.


(Just like Blender) :P


And you, me, are a formidable opponent. (Now people probably think I'm crazy for devoting a blog entry to talking to myself. :P And ripping off The Colbert Report.)


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Free time?


What's free time?


Yeah, ever since I got overly involved in BNG and other things, LK hasn't had free time.


I think he's refering to the extra time LK uses to make these weird blog posts.


And weird blog comments. :P


Yes, and weird blog comments.


Hey, wait! If LK joins the BZPRPG and has no free time going in, then if he were to quit he would have free time.


We just created time! :happydance:

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Oo! What about the Dresden Files RPG coming out this summer?


LK wonders if he's allowed to start RPGs in COT using rulebooks that you have to buy.


Can anyone answer LK's question?

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Who's her?


Did Emperor Whenua just call LK a her?


Or was he talking about someone else?


LK's confused.


So am I.

Oh. Hi.


Sorry, but when I hear "LK" I think "Lady Kopaka." Any other LKs are null.



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Jake-toa of awsome does not see what all the fuss is about.

Jake-toa of awsome has no time.

Jake-toa of awsome is always writing somthing !!!

Jake-toa of awsome has envey

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