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A Very Merry Christmas, Part 2

Soaring Strawberry


Now that I have described the books, I have little left to describe. We watched Walt Disney's Christmas Day Parade, ate lots of unhealthy food, and TOV and I drooled over our new PS2 Games. He got Lego Star Wars II, I got Bionicle Heroes. Unfortunately, our system is not working properly and the only PS repair shop in our area is backed up for weeks. There be warfare when the PS2 returns, says I.


12/26: I read Inferno and a started reading Artemis Fowl: The Opal Deception. My parents went out after-Christmas shopping; and when they returned, Mom triumphantly held a copy of Pirates of the Caribbean 2: Dead Man's Chest! :pirate: That night, we watched the movie. I enjoyed it, but I was surprised when Davy Jones played the organ with his tentacles. He must have at least a dozen of them, And I'm sure that Disney got their hands on the MIDI-Motion and Animusic software. Animusic contains music videos of CGI instruments. By using the special programs, the instruments anticipate their next note. Animating the tentacles forcibly is daunting by conparison.


You can learn more about Animusic here.


12/27: Did some homework and watched extras from Pirates 2, until I got bored. Then I went to bed.


TODAY: Seeing as the day has just started, I don't have much to say, except for a special challenge for all the parody writers... :psychotwitch:


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