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The Rest Of The Details Come To Light

Queen of Noise


I've had a long discussion with Tufi - I'm not for revolutions and destruction and fighting; you guys know that. I've always been the guy who is all about love and harmony. And talking civilly with the Empress brought to light a number of textures to this whole sordid tale that neither of us had been aware of previously.


When Andrew first asked me some weeks ago to take up the mantle of Site Admin, my first question was "Shouldn't that spot go to Jen?" I'm not at all opposed to taking on an administrative role - as I said before, I'm honored to serve BZPower's membership in whatever capacity I can - but Tufi's already a leader in this community. She has the experience and, moreover, the heart that has proven time and again that she is the first choice for this job. Indeed, though my farewell praise of Andrew was hyperbolic to the point of hagiography, I've honestly often felt Tufi would do the job better than he.


But I stray from my exposition. When I inquired this, feeling correctly that Tufi deserved the role far more than I, Andrew maintained firmly that he had discussed this at length with her and that she had been offered the position first, but had rejected it. "She said she had no time to be a full admin," he told me. "She was adamant that she would serve the site better in her current role, and suggested you as the new Head Admin."


Now, you can imagine how I felt at this point. Not only has Tufi been a first-rate boss that I've been honored to serve, but also a dear friend to me. The prospect of my being promoted instead of her was profoundly uncomfortable - but so was the idea of her being forced into a position that would cause her significant stress. And so, motivated by my desire to give Tufi the best, and knowing that she personally approved me for the role, I accepted. And hey, I'd been her loyal lieutenant all these years - it would almost be like she was ruling by proxy.


Would have, had everything Black Six told me not been a wretched lie.


In talking to Tufi, I learned that he had never approached her about this, had never even told her he was stepping down. The announcement last evening was a complete shock to her - an enraging one, as can readily be understood. I sympathized deeply and expressed my sincerest condolences - we were both victims in a messy web of lies woven by Black Six.


This naturally hurt both of us severely...but unfortunately, it came as little surprise. We've never discussed it openly on BZPower before, considering the pain and somberness of the topic, but due to this whole fiasco, I am admitting the truth, by means of explanation. This will come as a shock to most of you, and I apologize for covering it up all these years. I suppose we all knew it would come out someday.


You see, there is a sordid family history seething behind the veil of the BZPower staff. Though we've pretended to be persons much closer in age for sake of protection, Black Six is, in fact, my father. I was born in squalor and my mother - Global Moderator Hahli Husky - left Andrew when I was very young due to his constant abuse. Loving mother that she was, she tried to gain custody of me, but an unscrupulous lawyer friend of Six's swayed the judges decision to his favor. Thus, my childhood was spent enduring the drunken abuse that Black Six lavished upon me. He always yelled that he wanted me to 'man up' and 'become something,' but even if there was care underneath, his surly berating gave me nothing but a palpable sense of despair. I ran away from home while still very young and was taken in by a foster-family that treated me as their own son and taught me to love. These are the wonderful people I have always referred to as my parents, and the sister I may have made passing reference to is in fact actually a foster-sister. None of them are BZPower members.


It was when I was on the cusp of adulthood that I met my birth father and mother again - for all three of us, unexpectedly, converged upon this one humble forum (perhaps we have a genetic predilection to enjoy Lego) and were ultimately reunited, discovering each others' true identities and relation to each other after a number of years. And Andrew, we thought, had cleaned up - sobriety and amiability appeared to have replaced his former vices and lies.


Did Black Six have love in his heart when he made these machinations to put me on BZPower's throne? Did he do it because deep down inside, he cares for me and wants me to succeed? I'd like to think that. But like Sethe's, that love is too thick, and thus not love at all. I can't condone the methods by which he tried to do it, and I certainly cannot stand idly by and see good, wonderful people like Tufi be hurt by his plots.


I bear no ill-will towards any of the people involved in this dreadful debacle, and am quite, quite content to serve Tufi Piyufi in whatever capacity she best sees fit - most of all, as a friend.




A final note: my mother has revealed even more in-site familial ties that I was unaware of, previously. it seems ToM Dracone and Toromaga are my younger brothers (and Makaru is my twin, but I already was aware), Janus and Friar Tuck are our uncles, and Senjo is our aunt. This is naturally a lot to take in, so pardon me if I seem dazed for a bit.


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Good thing I got out while I could. :fear:


I joke, it seems that you guys need to go on a big road trip somewhere to sort out your power issues. :P

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B6: Andrew! I am Your Father!


Smeag: NOOOOOOOOO*quick gasp*OOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


....Isn't that how it went?


Did he mention I'm your Uncle's Aunt's third niece's nephew twice removed? Wow! Small world. You should write a book: The Tragedy of Andrew....You'd get millions of dollars from sympathetic nuts who have nothing better to do than to give you money out of self pity :P...that and you'd probably get on TV and make B6 pay for his crimes!

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Wow, that's shocking. Shocking. So many...relationships...agh! Can't take the confusion!

But, that's just really stunning. Wow.


P.S. Am I your fourth cousin once removed?

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