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Rejected By Science!



So I didn't want to talk to this one girl online.


So, I did this:



heey whats up




The temporal structure of the universe is collapsing, I'd say.


Chronographs are traveling in reverse!


Did you hear?


It must be from the Large Hadron Collider.


The interactions between the subatomic particles have created the Higgs-Boson, and it's interrupting the processes by the Gravitons.


And that's causing temporal insecurity throughout the immediate area in our Sol system.


And... It worked. She's stopped talking.


Newest Person-Repellent?


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The funny part?


It's all nonsensical pseudoscience.


Well I guess it's based in some realistic stuff but mostly it was big terms and popular science mention.

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Do I have permission to use that? Maybe it won't work on the person I want to repel (no it's not you Necro :P), but I'll give it a try.


Pretty sure it's called the Higgs-Bison, not Boson.


Why don't you help more? I mean yeah, you give me my crowbar back all the time after I lose it, but you could join my squad more. AND WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN DURING THE LAST 2 MAJOR EVENTS? ME AND ALYX ARE ABOUT TO FLY TO THE ARCTIC, AND WHERE ARE YOU? Wait, if you're dead disregard all of this and let me go prepare a eulogy...

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