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4/3/10 Story Fit Exercise (season 2 Opener)

Lazzy the Spazzy


4/3/10 Story Fit Exercise

For an explanation of what the Story Fit is, please go



This is the beginning of the second successful season of the Story Fit! We got really great stories last time, with a few writers especially standing out (Season 1 Finale).

And with this last season behind us, let's start the second season fresh. Most long-running television series always start off the new season with a bang, usually a story arc that spans two episodes. Likewise, this week we will have two simultaneous exercises.


Our first theme this week is:


A cliche term, often used mockingly, angst is nowadays used to describe "downtrodden teenagers thinking they're the only bloody people in the world who have it tough" (thanks Urban Dictionary). Indeed, lots of stories exist which make fun of teenagers' angst.

Like we did last season, it's once again time to take a cliche concept and turn it around. Make it interesting. Make it unique. Make it something worthy of being discussed seriously in literary circles once again, rather than a derogatory phrase. Approach angst as a literary tool, to be manipulated and employed like any other.

Our second theme this week is:


Sine graphs. The Earth orbiting around the Sun. The Periodic table. All exhibit some form of periodicity, and periodicity is what you will write about in this exercise.

Cycles are a common theme in literature...the repetition of events in history, the way a story ends up in the same place that it starts, even the old phrase "what goes around comes around"...it's all about cycles, about periodicity.

And that's what you'll tackle in this exercise. What cyclical theme can you work into your story?


Introducing a new workout from Rising Moon:

Vocab words!

Each week I'll provide a short list of random words for optional use. You may incorporate one or more of these words into your stories.

This week's list (definitions from Dictionary.com):

Dredge -
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  1. Also called dredging machine.any of various powerful machines for dredging up or removing earth, as from the bottom of a river, by means of a scoop, a series of buckets, a suction pipe, or the like.
  2. a barge on which such a machine is mounted.
  3. a dragnet or other contrivance for gathering material or objects from the bottom of a river, bay, etc.

    –verb (used with object)
  4. to clear out with a dredge; remove sand, silt, mud, etc., from the bottom of.
  5. to take, catch, or gather with a dredge; obtain or remove by a dredge.

    –verb (used without object)
  6. to use a dredge.

    —Verb phrase
  7. dredge up,
    1. to unearth or bring to notice: We dredged up some old toys from the bottom of the trunk.
    2. to locate and reveal by painstaking investigation or search: Biographers excel at dredging up little known facts.
Manumit -
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  1. To free from slavery or servitude.

Picket -
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  1. a post, stake, pale, or peg that is used in a fence or barrier, to fasten down a tent, etc.
  2. a person stationed by a union or the like outside a factory, store, mine, etc., in order to dissuade or prevent workers or customers from entering it during a strike.
  3. a person engaged in any similar demonstration, as against a government's policies or actions, before an embassy, office building, construction project, etc.
  4. (Military) a soldier or detachment of soldiers placed on a line forward of a position to warn against an enemy advance.
  5. (Navy, Air Force) an aircraft or ship performing similar sentinel duty.

    –verb (used with object)
  6. to enclose within a picket fence or stockade, as for protection, imprisonment, etc.: to picket a lawn; to picket captives.
  7. to fasten or tether to a picket.
  8. to place pickets in front of or around (a factory, store, mine, embassy, etc.), as during a strike or demonstration.
  9. (Military)
    1. to guard, as with pickets.
    2. to post as a picket.
–verb (used without object)
  1. to stand or march as a picket.

Have fun!


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Wow... And I began writing Chapter 3 only a short while ago...


But can I do this in a week? Cuz I'm going on holiday today.

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Of course.


Peeps, if you have something that'll prevent you from doing an exercise in time, be sure to do what Neelh did just now and notify me first. =]

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Hmm, I might use the full circle idea. I used it sub-consciously in Six Years earlier for the Sixth challenge, so it seems I can do it. So let's do it.


I waffled on a bit there didn't I?

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Alright, awesome. Sometime soon I'll be starting a new epic; Chapter One will be a normal piece, and either Chapter Two or Three will be a submission to the angst category. Somewhere in there I'll write an SS for the cyclical one. Good luck, everyone!

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