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Updated: R P G Idea





RPGs are fun.

I like them.

They are great.

And... I can't think of a funny pun.



Horrible verse aside, anyone know what the current deal with the COT approval system is? EDIT: Thanks, EW. ^_^ I have an idea for a Pokémon RPG that I don't think has been used yet.


To give you an idea of what I mean, allow me to paint you a mental picture:

It's 20 (maybe? Still working on the time) years after the Sinnoh games/anime/adventures as a whole. Four Team Rocket administrators, fed up with Giovanni's inability to successfully take over Kanto, rebel against him and take control of Team Rocket. They move on to take over not only Kanto, but Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh and the Orange Islands, as well as destroying the Sevii Islands and the remnants of Teams Aqua, Magma and Galactic. Ash, Gary, and every other powerful trainer/legendary Pokémon is imprisoned, forced into hiding or dead. 10 years after the takeover, an official, organized resistance springs up (not the first -- other trainers had attempted rebellion in the past, though to little avail, mostly because they weren't as organized and they had fewer resources) led by three trainers, and they declare war on the Rockets. Present time, the war takes a turn for the worst, and so the resistance, now desperate, begins to send newer recruits -- the players, also called "Agents" -- out to the field so as to find Gym Leaders, E4 members, trainers like Ash and Gary, Legendary Pokémon, etc. while the rest of the organization continues to openly fight, so as to gather enough strength to defeat Team Rocket once and for all.

The story would be fairly sandbox-like -- players could choose to include whatever they want and mix the manga and anime however they wished. The only set in stone things would be the obvious -- the resistance leaders (though they are subject to replacement by player characters, particularly in the event that any are killed,) the four Rocket Leaders, and the location of the Resistance HQ -- which is also subject to change, because you never know when the Rockets could launch a full scale attack on it.




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We're kinda sorta doing a reorg cuz if some issues we had a month ago. That's all I can really say, other than we'll be back... soon. I think.



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My thought:


Write more Broken Unity or work up Night Ride's sequal.


*skips off to write more Robot and Rahkshi*


*hopes people notice the mention of Robot and Rahkshi*


*realizes few people will actually read this post*

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Ahahaha... If truth be told, I am working on BU as best as I can; unfortunately I can't think of what to do next. X( However, as with Night Ride, I think an RPG will help me come up with something.

As for R&R... *Points to the content block right next to your comment.*

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