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The Official Project Olympus Entry!

Captain Marvel



So, Hey all, and welcome to...Project Olympus!
So, this went off the front page of my blog so I posted it back up here again.
All comments pertaining to Project Olympus will be made in this entry.
Hey people! If you have called MoCs in Project Olympus and have not started, would you please start? Now that it's up and running, I think the project should be furthered a lot more!
Project Olympus is a fan-made project where we will MoC all the Greek gods and titans of Greek Mythology. And, some heroes, too, after all the possible titans and gods have been called. Maybe even a prophet like Teiresias, or a monster like the Hydra, who knows?

~No Painted Pieces~
~You can order pieces, but not custom ones to use in your MoCs~
~You must comment in the current Project Olympus entry or PM me or The Rabid MoCist if you want to MoC something~

Anywho, here's the lists of who MoCs who, and the status.

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Kronos (done and posted)
Poseidon [done and posted]
Zeus (done and posted)
Atlas (WIP)
Morpheus (not started)

The Rabid MoCist
Hephaestus (done and posted)
Hyperion (done and posted)
Hades (not started)
Ares (not started)
Oceanus (done and posted)
Dionysus (not started)

Prometheus + Vulture (done and posted)
Epimetheus (done and posted)
Apollo (not started)
Artemis (not started)

Hermes (not started)

Ouranos (not started)
Chimera (not started)

Minotaur (done not posted)
Hydra (done not posted)
Cancer (done not posted)

Blue Dragon
Centaur (not started)

Jacob the Protector
Hercules (WIP)
Spartan (not started)
Iris (not started)
Chaos (not started)
Erebus (not started)

Toa Kered
Leonidas (not started)
Menoitias (not started)
Pallas (not started)

Toa Zealokan
Manticore (not started)
Icarus (not started)

Poseidon (#2) (done and posted)

}Rodimus Prime{
Aether (not started)

Member List!
The Rabid MoCist

Blue Dragon
Jacob the Protector
Toa Kered
Toa Zealokan
}Rodimus Prime{

That's all for now, folks. If anyone wants to join, just ask to and you will be accepted!
Also, if you want to MoC something, just comment here so I can add you to the list.


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dadalus is done just need to take pics and post



Might be in a little late. Can't find the claws. I'll keep looking!


Can't wait guys!


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scrapped my appolo it lookd not so B) it had inika build =^(


Hey, that's fine. Inika builds are cool, it's what you put on top of it that matters. :)


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scrapped my appolo it lookd not so B) it had inika build =^(


Hey, that's fine. Inika builds are cool, it's what you put on top of it that matters. :)


well i make making complex things and it really just arough drapht 2 many wrongthings with him lol

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scrapped my appolo it lookd not so B) it had inika build =^(


Hey, that's fine. Inika builds are cool, it's what you put on top of it that matters. :)


well i make making complex things and it really just arough drapht 2 many wrongthings with him lol


I do that a lot too.


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omg cyborg! u conquered the swarm! jk lol and ill finish artemis soon lol


Can't wait! Are you going to post them together?


havent thought about that but sure and ill finish them tues. or wednsday

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Sounds like a plan! Would it be possible for me to join? If so would it be possible for me to moc Daedalion?

by daedalion do u mean daedalus is so its taken

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No actually, Daedalion is a titan in greek mythology, who jumped off of a cliff and was turned into an eagle.


You can join, and you can have Daedalion.


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I apologize for my having been a noob, but the website I had used was incorrect. It had depicted Daedalion as a titan but he wasn't. If it is at all possible could I swap Daedalion with Aether?

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I apologize for my having been a noob, but the website I had used was incorrect. It had depicted Daedalion as a titan but he wasn't. If it is at all possible could I swap Daedalion with Aether?


Yes. Updated.


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k artemis is almost done and yeah mistika onua is now my favorite set :D lol


k artemis done and isf i say so my self, its 1 of m faves lol

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k artemis is almost done and yeah mistika onua is now my favorite set :D lol


k artemis done and isf i say so my self, its 1 of m faves lol


Can't wait for Apollo!


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