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I'm Aliiiiiive!



Guess who's back?


Back again?


GMan's back, he ate your friend.




Mhm, yeeeeees, you want to hear about my vacation? Well, we drove for nearly twelve hours starting at 6:00 AM on Wednesday, and reached the place in Ohio where our relatives lived around half past three. We kinda played around, unpacked, etc. I watched Invader Zim on DVD for most of the trip to Ohio. It was great being in Ohio again, I got to see my grandfather on my mother's side of the family, who had his 83rd birthday this Friday. And I saw my cousin Sarah, who I hadn't seen since at least early last year, and met my new cousin, Sarah Louise, five months old. It was fun being in Ohio, I picked up some new books, got more presents, and saw my family, which I was very glad to do. My family (read: Me, my sister, and my parents) met up with my mom's best friend and her family for bowling and pizza (but I didn't bowl), and then we went to the friend's house. There, we all chatted and such, and I played Call of Duty 2 and 3 on the XBox 360. I'm a diehard Nintendo fanboy, but I must say, XBox 360 is still awesome. I won nearly half the battles I played with the person teaching me how to play in Call of Duty 3, and it was fun. The whole visit, even the long drives to and from Ohio, was great, except for the irritating beagle my mom's relatives (who we were staying with) have, and my annoying younger cousins, Austin and Adam, children of my Aunt. They're better than they used to be, but they're still very obnoxious, rude, rowdy, nasty, impolite, and plain irritating.


It was wonderful to see my family again, though. Ohio is an awesome place also. Smee, y'know?


I was watching Batman Beyond: Return Of The Joker Uncut Edition on the ride home, and it's very different than the normal version, which was heavily edited to remove violence and such because the Columbine School shootings occurred before it's release. So it was nice to see the original uncut version, with such things as Joker shooting one of his lackies point blank in the chest. Gritty for an animated movie, you must think, but the DC Animated Universe is that way. It makes it awesome.


I can't believe it's almost 2007... 2006 has gone by so fast.


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