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My resolution is 1080 pixels per inch.


...It's a PS3, landlubber :P


My resolution is to have a resolution that resolves all resolvent resolutions within a resolvent resolution time. :P



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I try to stay away from resolutions.


You make the resolution, live up to it for a while, give up, feel all sad, resolve to do it better next year, lather, rinse, repeat.


A circle of sadness it is...






And a happy new year!

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I try to stay away from resolutions.


You make the resolution, live up to it for a while, give up, feel all sad, resolve to do it better next year, lather, rinse, repeat.


A circle of sadness it is...

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My resolution is to resolve to resolve to resolve to make a resolution about resolutions and resolving to resolve to resolve to create another resolution because since 2006 will resolve to be 2007 I need to make a resolution as resolution custom dictates because resolution custom knows all because resolution custom is the father of all resolutions because it is, so live with it and your resolving resolutions, because it resolves to resolve through resolutions.


I think that's a pretty good resolution.



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