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Ideas For Movies.



Alright, here's a list of various things I think should be made into movies and why:


Calvin and Hobbes: Admittedly, it might take a little work to make it a movie, but if they did it right, It'd be awesome. One idea I had is that the movie takes place ten years after the comic strip; Calvin is a teenager with a pretty good life, but suddenly he finds Hobbes in his attic, who comes back to "life", and

keeps following him around.



Command and Conquer: Admittedly, it spans over half a century, but it's a cool story and it already has several actors in place.



Redwall: Sadly, the guys that were claiming to make a Redwall movie were lying. Still, a live action Redwall movie would be awesome, and open up the way for a Redwall RTS.



Life Expectancy: My favorite Dean Koontz book. :D



Ratchet and Clank: As a CGI movie, would be great.



Tell me what you think should be made into a movie if I forgot one.





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