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Redundancy Is Redundant

Inferna Firesword


My friend in French class, Jared (who happened to have given me two giant candy bars before winter break), has informed me that I'm crazy because I don't like waffles. (I find this slightly odd, because I've known I'm crazy for years now.)


I told him that was the least of his worries, since I also didn't like:

  • Waffles
  • Pancakes
  • Hamburgers
  • Chocolate chip cookies
He wasn't my only classmate to think I was lying about last one. But it's all true. :P


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Yay, someone else who doesn't like hamburgers.


I'm afraid I'll have to burn you at the stake for not liking pancakes, however.


Now, I just need to find a stake.


And some fire.


And some free time, while I'm at it.



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Whenever I inform people that I dislike pizza, they look at me as if I am from another dimension and am speaking in Flabagerjineese.
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Yay, someone else who doesn't like hamburgers.


I'm afraid I'll have to burn you at the stake for not liking pancakes, however.


Now, I just need to find a stake.


And some fire.


And some free time, while I'm at it.




I'd only do that to her about hambergers.


Someone who doesn't like cookies? BURN THE HERETIC!


Although I don't like pancakes either.


yes! Someone besides me who doesn't! At least I don't plain pancakes... Blueberry one are okay... And anyone who doesn't like soft chocolate chip cookies WILL die a slow and lingering death! hard ones on the other hand...... Are hated by all.


Ps. Who here hates mayo?(like me)

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I don't like hamburgers or pizza*.


*I do like it if I make it, as it has 101 peppers and no cheese.


*aims High-powered sniper rifle at Neelh*



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