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I Am Keeping This Avatar Forever



Posting an entry about life because that is what you do with blogs, and posting nothing but funny pictures has absolutely no basis whatsoever.


So, school proceeds apace, with nothing terribly exciting going on. Unsurprisingly, I got into the annual festival of student-directed one-act plays, one of which I wrote, so that will be fun. Rather more surprisingly, my psychology professor recommended me as a tutor, which is apparently a paid position. It won't amount to too much money, but it's still money, and I need money. Besides, helping people is more important.


NET is coming to our parish this Sunday. Should be a good do, I reckon. My last one before going off to college. I think I'll wear my Villainous Victorian Velociraptor shirt, which I would once again like to thank Maddison for bringing to my attention. I'm not sure if that clause is correct, but I'm really beginning to feel the four hours of sleep I had last night, so blame it on fatigue.


8-Bit Dr. Horrible is the best thing in the last week at least. Also, spelling Eyjafjallajokull is easy once you know how. And yes, I'm aware the o takes an umlaut. I've merely chosen not to do anything about it.


Oh, and I've compiled some quotes and put them in a content block for posterity and suchlike. At least half of them are rather tongue-in-cheek, but there you are. Ta!


Bumped in celebration of my half-birthday. Six more months and I'll have my first birthday away from home. It's rather daunting to think how much thinks will have changed by then.


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Posting an entry about life because that is what you do with blogs, and posting nothing but funny pictures has absolutely no basis whatsoever.


Besides, helping people is more important.

'Cept we're college kids...


8-Bit Dr. Horrible is the best thing in the last week at least.



At least half of them are rather tongue-in-cheek


(I like the quote about cynicism and typing "lol.")



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I think I'll wear my Villainous Victorian Velociraptor shirt, which I would once again like to thank Maddison for bringing to my attention.

No problem. :)


Oh my gosh....that Beatles Harry Potter quote is AMAZING.



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