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Building The Hype



A new month, a new year, a new BBC contest, a new order of pieces from Bricklink.


They're not actually for the contest, though - lets see if anyone can guess what they're for if I tell you the main colours:

  • Lime Green
  • Purple
  • Orange


    Yes, they're MOCs of the BBC staff. The lime is for Schiz, purple for Kex, and orange for Tufi and Shan.



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Ooo, the lime-green, does it have anything to do with lemons?


Well, no, 'cos Lemons are yellow. It doesn't have anything to do with Limes either.



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Oh come on, any one could guess this. They're for MOCing of course!


P.S. That site has forums.


I've never seen anyone say that Bricklink isn't allowed to be mentioned. -Seran

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I've wondered about that, since Bricklink DOES have forums, but is often mentioned anyway. Maybe it's an exception, like lego.com.


Anyway, uhhhh..........temperance :???: ? I really don't know what those colors could be used for.


- :vahi:


I said those colours aren't for the contest. They're for something else.



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Ooo, the lime-green, does it have anything to do with lemons?


Well, no, 'cos Lemons are yellow. It doesn't have anything to do with Limes either.




Well that baffles me, could ya give a clue?


One of the links in my sig is a good clue.



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Now it makes sense...


Purple is for kex, lime is for schizo.


But where's the navy for me? :P


I guess the orange would work for Shan as well...and I already have a little bit of navy, I might make you.


Isn't it strange that my favourite colour is navy - I post in navy, my av and sig are navy - yet my self MOCs are always black?



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Three new MOCs from Seran coming up, and in such neat colors.


Should be interesting to review :).


Don't worry, I managed to get another load of gunmetal as well. ;)



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Heeey,Wait a minute,where`s me?As your Right Hand man,I deserve to be MOCed!What`s that?You don`t believe me?Well let me show you this*Opens the Book of Right Hand Mans*,it says here that every single right hand man must be MOCed by their bosses!You`re my boss!I`m your right hand man!So you better get your red out and start MOCing
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