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Baseblog - April 27, 2010



Note: Most of today's notes are from LewaLew but adapted for use here. I also added details.


Johnson's epic CG: You'd think they'd take him out sooner - winning by nine runs and all that - but consider that it was a three-hitter. With 12 Ks. And he drove in three runs. Who says pitchers can't hit?

Washington walks in the losing run in the tenth: Amazingly they don't have a losing record. (It's important to LL, at least, considering who the other team was. The Windy City was really fighting the hitters and fielders for both teams in that game. He can't wait until the wind shifts and Wrigley becomes a hitter's park.)

Ryan Howard gets a MASSIVE extension: In all honesty, he's not even the best player on the team. Sure, he crushes the ball, but his fielding is spotty at best and I'm still not convinced that he can hit a curve, even though he worked on those two faults in Spring Training.

Giants jump all over Halladay early: I thought Halladay might struggle a little - after all, even though he's the best pitcher in baseball, he only been in the league facing these batters for a little while.

Cubs Vs. Brewers: Apparently, the Brew Crew's woes against the Cubbies were because of one of two reasons: Firstly, the Cubs are simply awesome and crushed them, or two, the Pirates have returned to their old ways as they have for seventeen years.

All-Star Game ballots: They're up on MLB.com. A bit early, but who cares. :P Vote for who you want to play in Angel Stadium this year. (Angel Stadium is a beautiful park. LL went there in '06 on his trip to LEGOLAND, San Diego, and the Halos/Padres. Plus, he voted Longoria for third since I'm a Rays fan. :))

Rainouts in the Big Apple: Two games in a row have been rained out at Citi Field in Queens. The first game resulted in a six-inning, 1-0 win for the Mets, but tonight's game against former NY team, the Dodgers, never even got started. Aren't we lucky that fabulous AL Central Division tiebreaker game between the Tigers and Twins was in the Metrodome, thus avoiding the rain in Minneapolis that day? Yeah, that's what I thought. No such luck this year, no matter how pretty new Target Field is.

MLB Network's Emmys: It actually happened last month, but MLB Network got 12 Emmy nominations in its first year, and they won four of them. One was for Bob Costas (presumably for his "Studio 42" programs) and another was for MLB Tonight. (Man, I love MLB Network. :D)


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Firstly, the Cubs are simply awesome and crushed them.



The other option is that the Brew Crew just stunk. I would think both CHC and MIL fans would rather say that the Cubbies were simply the better team, and Milwaukee's efforts just came up short. :P


Also, Sumiki didn't write that part, I did. :P


I got ninja'd.

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lol at the idea that Chicago is awesome, you guys make me laugh.


The Brewers ran into the Cubs with their worst starting pitchers while the Cubs had their best out. Not that hard to figure out what's going to happen there.


Not to mention one of the pitchers the Cubs face was then sent to the bullpen the next day because he's performed so horribly this season.


And as I type this up our closer gives up two home runs (one a Grand Slam) in a save situation. If it's not one thing this season, it's another.

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That was directly from LL. I spared you from his addition of the :D emoticon.


What? Why does HE get to write it? :angry:


Also, nicely said Than.

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lol at the idea that Chicago is awesome, you guys make me laugh.


The Brewers ran into the Cubs with their worst starting pitchers while the Cubs had their best out. Not that hard to figure out what's going to happen there.


Not to mention one of the pitchers the Cubs face was then sent to the bullpen the next day because he's performed so horribly this season.


And as I type this up our closer gives up two home runs (one a Grand Slam) in a save situation. If it's not one thing this season, it's another.

Actually, all of our starters are about average. There are no real aces, (although Carlos Silva and Ryan Dempster are shaping up to be) and there are no rotten ones. Suppan? I'll give you that. Davis? I'll give you that too, but how about Bush? I'm no Brewers expert, but I read on brewers.com that Bush was your best pitcher, and the Cubs went on a home run derby against him. Plus, Dempster has already had a history of success against Milwaukee. (Ironically, our #5 starter prior to Zambrano's move to the 'pen (Silva) is now our #3, and is both better than our #2 (Wells), and as good as our #1 (Dempster).


And don't blame the Cubs bias on Sumiki. He had nothing to do with it. It was all my glorious fault. :D


And yeah. Lucky for me I just rejected a trade on Fantasy baseball that would have brought Hoffman and Carlos Lee on my team for Lance Berkman. Otherwise, my team would be severely wounded with negative points.


That was directly from LL. I spared you from his addition of the :D emoticon.


What? Why does HE get to write it? :angry:


Also, nicely said Than.

Because I take the time? :P


You see, I was giving him the Major League Blog approval, and decided to give him some notes to put in the Baseblog. Of course, I purposefully neglected to add the game the Cards won, which would have been cool if it was anyone other than the Cards or White Sox.


And I'm not trying to get you Brew Crew fans angry. I'm just pumped that the Cubs had their first sweep of the season.

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