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Annoying Grades.



Well, my parents are yelling at me for my grades...


Algebra Support-F







The failing classes have odd reasons for why I am failing. I am failing English simply because my teacher always lowers your grade whenever you're talking, even though there is a different catagory on the grading system called "Citezenship" where that scale of grading belongs.


Another thing is how teachers lie about the grading system

10% for homework

20% for quizes

70% for tests


Ok... I rarely do my homework but ALWAYS score 100% on my tests and quizes.


Let's calculate this for a minute...


I recieve an F in homework? That equals a 5%

I recieve an A in quizes? That equals a 20%

I revieve an A in tests? That equals 70%

and all together that is... 95 PERCENT!


That is an A, which makes their grading system a lie.


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Let me explain:


About your grade in English: you probably couldn't keep your mouth shut for one minute. That's why you failed. When you're talking during class, that's a sign of disrespect to them. That means they have a right to dock points for not paying attention.


Another thing, homework is a big part. If you did it every night you'd probably get a better grade. Despite what you think, it's actually a huge chunk of your grade.


Finally, I've found it's not the fault of the teacher, but rather the student. If you listened and took notes, you'd get better grades. Studying is the best thing you can do, and it doesn't even take long. Just read your notes, BOOM BOOM BOOM you're done.


Honestly, it peeves me when people blame the teachers, when the student is usually the one who can't sit still for an hour and listen.

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