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It's The 2nd?



Whoa, I thought today was the third and yesterday was the second... :blink: I must be losing my mind, or lack there of. Well, I suppose that I will have to start studying for my Spanish 2 class that will start in... seven days. The sad part is that I've forgotten most of the things I learned from Spanish 1, and that was only tow terms ago...


I seriously despise my memory... :P


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Those sneaky numbers. Always making everyone think they're one thing when they're another, and then switching in the middle of the night when you're sound asleep.


You can remember the year, though, right? It's actually not that hard, because 2005 is the same backwards as forwards.




Unless you have the very odd memory problem which allows you to completely forget things you don't want to remember in two days or less (this problem, oddly enough, has no technical name), the Spanish will come back to you when you start learning again. It's just that breaks let your mind relax, and thus, quite conveniently, forget.


Or so they say.


That, or you could spend the next few days frantically rememorizing everything.


It's your choice entirely. After all, it's your brain.




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I also thought it was the third yesterday...

I know!

Its a conspiracy!

Everyone except me and you were brainwashed!

Today is the forth!



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