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So, this is a blog, eh?


Heh, I've played around with such things before, but to have one on BZPower is rather unique. I honestly never expected to be utilizing such a feature on this site-- but then I realized how odd it would be for the Blog Leader (Or thought police commander, if I do say so m'self) to be minus a blog, and thus I created what you see before you.


This will generally be a place where I post any oddities or interests I have. Any appropriate writing may be sneak-peeked here, and perhaps you'll even find out why I'm such a bitter, jaded, husk of a man.


Except not.


Thought Police Commander signing off,




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By gum and thumb, I dare say, he's finally done it: made the blog. Yeah, it just wouldn't be right for you to not have a blog. :P


Thought police... I just hope you don't know what I'm thinking right now. ^_^


©1984-2006 Toaraga EAM

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Thought police... I just hope you don't know what I'm thinking right now.

The Thought Police will always know what you are thinking. It is one of our many gifts. Just as the Forum Assistants can close topics, or the Admins can prank.


So what, this is the perk of getting to be Blog Leader, you get to have your own blog? Can't you let your minions have a bit of the fun?

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Hey cool, you do have a blog here! Does this mean you'll write about nicer, happier things? And more often? Cause you don't talk about that kinda stuff nearly as much as you should. And that's sad.


Also write some stories. I haven't seen a JanusTale in like forever.

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You are so cool. To just have the blog, there, without any pressure for it to be something more than it needs to be for you...


Intense strikes the perfect counterpoint to the pimped-out, ego-driven blogmobiles of other cool people on BZP. And, I have to say, it makes my Hog Hole look wannabe. You are the king of blogs, so your blog has nothing to prove.


Blog envy is a sad thing.



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