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Podcasting Excitement And Dorek Non-excitement



Today, was an eventful day in the realm of BIONICLE podcasting.


I recorded a show with the guys from iBZP as a guest-star, on their new show called "The Three Virtues." It's basically the same thing with some shifting in management and segments. And a new name. It was pretty fun, so I'll let you know when that episode goes live.


On the BS01 side of things, we finally got our next show hosted - Q&A Session 1. Some other staff and I just kicked back and answered questions from our overflowing inbox and had a good time.


Now it's full again. ;_;


We'll record episode 8 this week.


~End podcast discussion~


*Remembers one more thing*


T3V and the BS01 Podcast plan to collaborate on an annual live podcasting event. Sound like a blast? Sounds like a blast! Guess where you can stay posted? Here! =D


~Really end podcast discussion for real~


*Realizes that's all there is to talk about*


Noooooooowait, sad news. Dorek was going to come to a concert with Kayru and I. Now he's not.




But I will get to meet Kayru...


Everyone meets Kayru. ;_;


Just joking, Kayru. Super dooper looking forward to it! =D


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