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Dark Deeds Character Teaser #5: Mirror, Mirror On The Wall



Who's the fairest of them all?


Definitely not this guy, that's for sure! :P


Who is 'this guy' that I refer to? You might know him as that one guy, or that other guy, or even yourself!

Wait, what? That makes no sense! That's like... like... totally arcane!


And so it is. The next character teaser brings us to the Dark Hunter known simply as Arcane!


(Just FYI, I love this guy, so don't be surprised if I keep on fawning over him. :wub:)


Who is he? What are his powers?

Arcane is... well, arcaneish. No one knows anything about his past, something that the Shadowed One has noted time and time again. Arcane himself doesn't even remember anything about his past, aside from his name -- however, because it would be nearly impossible for a 'mortal' being to speak it, he chooses not to share it.


Unlike the other characters showcased before, Arcane has had several past appearances. During Jaeda's crusade on Exa-Nui, the Shadowed One sent Arcane after the Dark Hunters he had hired out to Jaeda, as he wanted to know what she was after. It was here that Arcane learned about the Orbs; he also came into contact with Toa Kovian, who, after being sucked into the nightmarish realm of Arcane's mind, defeated the Dark Hunter, earning his respect. Arcane's stomach mirror was shattered, damaging the knowledge he had recently obtained; as such, he forgot that the Orbs actually did exist, and so his goal switched from watching Jaeda and Xaeda to defeating them. Arcane sent a message to TSO, who later sent a dragon-like Hunter named Igolo, to assist Arcane. Together, the two [DATA CORRUPTED.]


Arcane was later part of the group of Dark Hunters sent to Xatai, during the Tournament of Shadows, which Toa Kovian was participating in at the time. Together with Srizz, Kovian's teammate, the trio broke into the main fortress, where Arcane engaged the main referee in combat. She was defeated, and [DATA CORRUPTED.]


For the sake of describing him: Arcane is an odd figure. He stands at 8' tall, and wears very dark blue armor. He looks rather plain, until you note the mirrors adorning his body. These mirrors are perfect circles, and are found on his stomach, face, forearms (these two act as large shields) and shins. Arcane's mirrors have a variety of uses: He cane use them to locate objects, wherever they may be, speak in real time to others through them, no matter where they are, pull a being or beings into his own mind and utilize a ton of light-based powers, as well as controlling 'statues' of beings who have sold their soul to him. Arcane's mirrors are easily his greatest strength and weakness: Without them, he can not use his powers as efficiently, hence why they are built into his armor as opposed to be separate pieces. However, if one is broken, his essence -- a deep blue, smoke-like substance, similar to Antidermis -- will leak out. Luckily, his mirrors are easily repairable. Personality-wise, Arcane is a regal figure, speaking with an elegant and precise accent. He finds harm done to others amusing, and only steps in when he feels like it. He was very overconfident in his abilities at one point; however, after being defeated by Kovian, he has grown to respect his limits. While appearing quite sane, those who have been pulled into his mind have found that he is a twisted being -- though he would never show it.


Who does he work with? Against?

Arcane works diligently for the Dark Hunters as a whole. He is greatly respected for his power, especially since those who don't respect him tend to end up as zombies to be used in his mind battles. The Shadowed One usually assigns him on solo missions; however, he has called for back-up on at least one mission, on Exa-Nui. This has not lowered the Shadowed One's opinion of him.


Arcane works rather well with Kovian. The two have actually developed a close trust between each other, speaking to each other as if they were brothers. Arcane does worry about Kovian's odd comments in regards to the Dark Hunters; however, it is unlikely that he would stop him if he tried to do anything... disruptive.


Final thoughts?

Arcane is awesome. That's all there is for me to say. You can expect quite a bit of 'stuff' from him in Dark Deeds. ^_^



Also, I'm going to do something different this time. Looking at the Dark Deeds 'cast list' in my profile, is there anyone you want to learn more about for the next teaser? I'd hate to force information on you guys(?) that you aren't interested in. ^_^


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