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Okay, so last night the power went off shortly after midnight, taking my clock, lamp, etc. with it. Not preferring to read my book by the light of Hex, my laptop, I went to sleep thinking that my lamp would wake me up when it came back on so I could reset my clock properly so the alarm would wake me up on time, all of which transpired according to plan. However, I had to set the clock from Hex, which had been hibernating for the last several hours...or so I thought. I took it out of its case to find that it was extremely hot to the touch. Apparently some driver or other responsible for the hibernation mode had failed to load, with the result that my laptop had been left on for ages in its presumably heat-trapping case. Moral: Tiny netbooks may lack adequate cooling. Buy more ice cubes. Also, power outages are silly.


Then I had a dream where I successfully eluded a cop who didn't like my car's bumper sticker. I seem to be having a lot of that kind of dream lately. :mellow:


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Only the last bit is interesting.

I disagree; the title may not be an accurate descriptor but it's a fine word in its own right.

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Only the last bit is interesting.

I disagree; the title may not be an accurate descriptor but it's a fine word in its own right.


:angry: Only the last bit is interesting!

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Only the last bit is interesting.

I disagree; the title may not be an accurate descriptor but it's a fine word in its own right.

I agree with Arpy. The part about his laptop nearing an overheated state is interesting, as my laptop (that sadly lacks a name) has been having a similar problem.



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Thankfully, my laptop, HAL, has not had any similar issues. Unlike my last one.

My parents' laptops used to overheat after about 20 minutes unless they're on a hardwood surface. Very irritating. They ended up buying external fans.

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Ghost Rider, if your laptop tells you the AE-35 unit is malfunctioning, it's lying and trying to kill you.


My laptop needs a name.


Also why would a police officer chase you because of a bumper sticker?

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