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Lewa Krom


Yesterday I went to King's Dominion to perform in a music festival with a group I'm in called Freshtones (an all Freshman show choir).


On the way to King's Dominion (an amusement park near Richmond, Virginia, a 90-120 minute drive from where I live) we watched Avatar. Unfortunately, everyone else had already seen it, though I haven't. Therefore they were all talking and I couldn't make out a word they were saying. However, I'd have to say, the graphics and special effects are absolutely amazing!!! I had assumed it was exaggerated like my friends had for Iron Man. (I liked Iron Man but it sure wasn't the absolute best movie I've ever seen) After we got to the park, one of my friends explained to me the basic plot. I have got to watch the whole thing sometime!


King's Dominion was fun. My group (after we ditched our chaperone :P) went on the Dominator, which wasn't that impressive, though it was the first time I'd ever ridden a roller coaster that went upside down. After that we went down to the Intimidator - the park's newest ride which has a 300 foot drop at almost a 90 degree angle. I stayed back with my friend (who has a pace maker, therefore can't go on many of the rides) while my two other friends went on it. The both passed out, quite literally. As did everyone else we spoke to. Everyone was hunched over as if asleep in the pictures. I highly doubt that's at all a safe ride.


We performed our two songs, Somebody to Love and Don't Stop Believing. On Somebody to Love we have a person sing a single note accapelo before the song starts and we were trying to explain that to the sound guy. After three times, the sound guy still didn't get it right and we messed up the beginning everytime thanks to him. On our second song the CD skipped several times, throwing us off. I don't know what our score was, but chances are it wasn't Superior.


After that we got pizza ($25 for a pizza! :blink:). We went on the Anaconda which was fun as was the Shock Wave (a "stand up" roller coaster).


Overall it was a fun trip, though I didn't get back until nearly 11:00 that evening (sorry, BNGers, for not making it to the meeting :( )


And now I have a biology project, a Latin project, and a history paper to write! :P (and then I have to memorize another scene from Shakespeare)


EDIT: Be sure to check out a new poll I set up here: Bionicle on Film


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I din't make it either.


Also, there's a Shockwave in England too, at Drayton Manor.


And three, I'm doing this singing thing for something at Malvern.

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I have yet to ride the Intimidator, I'm a bit of a roller coaster junkie. :P


Did you ride Volcano, or Flight of Fear?



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The lines for Volcano and Flight of Fear were terribly long so my group skipped on those. My brother stood in line for an hour for Flight of Fear, though. Apparently it's just like Space Mountain at Disney World, according to him. :P

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Flght of Fear is my favorite ride there. You missed out. :P

Have you ever been to the Busch Gardens in Williamsburg?



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No, but we're trying to convince our director to take us there next year for Concert Choir, though he already has a trip to NYC set up.

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