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So I might've complained about my feet in this blog, because I have ingrown toenails. I finally went to a specialist about it... a podiatrist, as they're called over here. (Strange name, must mean something in some language) Anyway, it turns out that my past operations on removing part of the nail weren't working, because the nail would grow right back, so I had a surgery where they didn't just cut off the annoying part of the nail, but also removed the root, thus making the nail less wide and preventing future ingrown nails. Woot.


And the operation went smoothly. Much better than when I went to regular clinic doctors. Those guys would numb up my toe for a bit (which made me queasy to the point that the nurses would remark how pale I was) and in the end it was still painful when they started clipping away. But for whatever reason, this doctor did it better, and I hardly felt a thing! (Which is good, because I heard alot of snipping) Now I have my toes in giant bandages, and get to keep them there for at least a week. And it makes walking around quite awkward... and probably painful too, once the anesthetics wear off. :(


But I'm glad I got this done now, because it was probably going to be a life long problem. Turns out, my grandparents had ingrown toenails, and so did one of my great grandfathers. And apparently he dealt with his ingrown toenail using an axe. Because that's how they did stuff back then.




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And apparently he dealt with his ingrown toenail using an axe. Because that's how they did stuff back then.


Don't you love modern medical treatment vs. that stuff?

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Yeah, podiatrists. I reckon it comes from something Latin (no way!), because the french word for foot is pied. They mostly work with feet and ankles, as I've known all my life, though they seem to know plenty about back problems as well, since a lot of that starts with bad feet and such. I have splayed and flat feet, so that's why I see one every now and again, to make sure my feet aren't suffering too badly. Strange practices, I always feel like he's breaking my foot whenever I go, because it's always cracking and such. Think he's only testing the bones or something, dunno.


Never thought of it like that, but of course they would look into things like ingrown toenails and such. Good to hear you're seemingly seeing a better podiatrist, the old methods you were doing sound pointless and awful. Hope this is a more permanent solution.



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I had this some procedure done to my right big toe a year or two ago. Quite honestly, I thought it was pretty fun to walk around while your toe is all numb, especially when it's really difficult to keep your balance. Oh, and trying to cram your foot in a shoe while the bandages are still on... quite humorous. :P
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