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Recent Occurences Of A Moderately Notable Nature



• Recently I acquired Little Big Planet, which is amazing. The level editor is unbelievable.


• Also, yesterday I saw Iron Man 2, which I liked and was able to follow despite not having seen the first one.


• I got a big black paper for backgrounds of photos last weekend and I'm building a something to use it with.


• In school the other day my Spanish teacher mentioned "the volcano in Europe" and everyone was like "What's that one called anyway?" and thanks to everyone on BZP mentioning it in their blogs I was like "I know how to spell it B) " and I wrote it on the board and everyone tried to pronounce it but couldn't at all.


• I made a paper truncated icosahedron, which is my favorite convex isogonal nonprismatic solid with two or more types of regular polygon as faces. :)


And that's about it.


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Technically, Eyjafjallajökull is in Iceland, which is not part of Europe, but the eruption sent the ash cloud towards Europe, so they had all those problems and such. As for volcanoes in Europe, most of them are in Italy, I believe.



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I bet you can't wait for LBP2.

You'd win that bet. B)


Technically, Eyjafjallajökull is in Iceland, which is not part of Europe, but the eruption sent the ash cloud towards Europe, so they had all those problems and such. As for volcanoes in Europe, most of them are in Italy, I believe.



Well not ALL of us masters of all things GEOGRAPHY, xccj. :P


aka, a paper soccer ball :P


hexagons with pentagons inside, amirite?

Pshaw, I prefer truncated icosahedron. :P

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helo huise i just need to tll everyone that brokeen hte nub lost a carbon fibre arrow from my bow tonight and I AM DISAPPOINT >:( HE IS NO LONGER B) he is >.< i didnt say tihs on his blawg cuz he has to approve comments and bai nao

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helo huise i just need to tll everyone that brokeen hte nub lost a carbon fibre arrow from my bow tonight and I AM DISAPPOINT >:( HE IS NO LONGER B) he is >.< i didnt say tihs on his blawg cuz he has to approve comments and bai nao

Seriously bro.



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helo huise i just need to tll everyone that brokeen hte nub lost a carbon fibre arrow from my bow tonight and I AM DISAPPOINT >:( HE IS NO LONGER B) he is >.< i didnt say tihs on his blawg cuz he has to approve comments and bai nao

birckeins is thsdi true?/? :angry: :angry: :angry:

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