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The End



Wow. That was a very satisfying end for LOST. Very moving, too, though I didn't cry (I've never once cried during a movie or TV show in my life, for whatever reason). Also, I don't really understand all the people I've seen around the internet saying that it was confusing; I thought it was very clear on what happened and what the flash-sideways stuff had been.


Gonna miss it, but it was worth the six years.


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Didn't cry really, but I did water up a bit a couple of times, particularly for Ben for some reason. Some other part too, can't remember what it was. Michael Giacchino :wub:


I did find the sideways part confusing in the end (and almost disappointing), but luckily it was explained very well by just about every man and his dog on the internet, so that was OK.


Oh, and it was lovely. Just lovely.



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