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Lewa Krom


Today was my last day of school minus an exam Tuesday morning and an entrance test to get into dual enrollment for Pre-Calculus, which would give me college credits as a sophmore in high school.


We had a substitute in History so we watched Up and played ERC. In gym we just sat around.


In my math class, we had a Trigonometry test. I had payed little attention past SOH CAH TOA so I was pretty sure I wasn't going to do well, but since my math teacher is overriding my 96A average with a 100A+ average anyway for getting a perfect score on the exam, I wasn't really worried. In a five minute review, she went over the Law of Sines, the Law of Cosines, and several other things. I love being able to learn things quickly. :D I think I might have gotten a perfect score on that!


After that we went to Biology. My teacher hates Nickelback so to get on her nerves, my friend brought his i... what's-it-called-that-plays-music-louder-and-is-made-by-apple... and turned up all the way for all of class. We dissected pig fetuses which was fun. Apparently all the people in my group made me do all of the cutting, etc including clean up.


I'm in a singing and dancing group called Freshtones, for those of you who don't know. We had a concert tonight consisting of seven songs plus a variety show. For the variery show one of my friends did the guitar part of Baba Oreilly except the program replaced Baba with Bob. Someone apparently doesn't know The Who. :P


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You like dancing? And singing?


Well, I enjoy and I'm good at singing and acting, so we're both born peformers!


See you on the red carpet! :P

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