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The Future Is Bright

Lewa Krom


The Future Is Bright


Well of course it is! It's rather dark here due to this thing Columbus discovered called "roundness" which causes night and day. At the moment it is night. Therefore, judging by what has happened for essentially my entire life, tomorrow will be at least slightly brighter due to the large campfire in the sky. But by that logic, it will also be dark tomorrow.


Assuming that the amount of time on Earth that it is light is roughly equivelant to the amount of time that it is dark and that the sun will one day collapse into a black hole or another outcome, there will a long span of darkness. Therefore the future is more dark than light.


But the following images:






do not specify whether or not we're not talking about earth time, so it could still be dark or light, depending if you're in the center of a star or in the center of a black hole.


KanohiJournal! Where are we?! :P


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