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The Day I Turned 2-1



I'm finally old enough to drink in America. But that's not important - I don't like drinking anyway. Birthday was a little meh, until I had dinner out and romped around town with my boyfriend, taking in the sights and sounds of the places my previous age wouldn't have let me close to. Now I realize it's not as much a hoot as others make it, so I'm happy, curiosity satisfied, and amused by a techno-didgeridoo player busking on a bridge.


As for birthday thoughts, there's just one reflection I'd like to share.


When I joined BZPower, I was thirteen or fourteen years old, in secondary/high school, and writing such terrible epics, not really knowing what was good or bad but just writing and plonking it into BZPower. Even funnier was me apprehensively asking my mother that night whether it was okay for me to join an online forum. XD


During the next eight years, BZPower was the very first website I visited whenever I went online. It was the time I was just discovering what the Internet was, and where its (non-existent) boundaries were. BZPower ate up most of my Internet curiosity, thanks to the Library (which I haunted and read avidly) and my very-fueled belief that Premier Members were really special members the admins chose to have that rank. Seriously!


Many more epics and a few years later, we arrive at the present date. There's the ECC, there's much less epic-writing and more of epic-reviewing, there are tons of new sites that I visit every day, and strangely enough, the queer thoughts of 'Maybe I should do some Short Stories every now and then', or something to keep my imagination buzzing. My writing went on its ups and downs, its hibernation and active vibrancy, and the usual dabble into things not so Bionicle, to keep the writing flowing.


After all, there are some things that I want to keep from my now-past childhood, and the BZP memories, lessons, and a talent I figured out here are definitely in that list. ^_^




(P.S. White wine is the bleh! >.<)




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Our little daydreamer is all grown up... *snif*


Alcohol is an antiseptic, a solvent, a preservative, and a biotoxin, so it's no wonder if people like you and me aren't fans of it. :P


Gosh, whatever happened to those days when BZPower was almost literally our online home? It's kinda like flying the nest IRL. Bigger things for bigger people. ^^


Congratulations on turning 21. It's a beautiful age to be. (At least that's how I remember it for myself.) Keep on having fun and taking the stuff you do to higher levels as you learn and grow. :D




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Daydreamer!! I remember when we were turning 15!! GOOD TIMES! Thanks for sharing warm fuzzy memoirs, too. =3


Now we're so old! DX


Happy birthday, love you lots! *glomp!*


Gosh, whatever happened to those days when BZPower was almost literally our online home? It's kinda like flying the nest IRL. Bigger things for bigger people. ^^

Oh man. It's totally changed our lives, though; total awesomeness.

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It's crazy, right? It feels like a past life since one first set foot in here and was all googly-eyed at the shiny Premier Members and went on squeeing binges when someone you really really looked up to replied to one of your posts and hid underneath the desk when there was a moderator browsing the same topic list and nooby stuff like that.


And meeting all these awesome people! Like you! *hugsquiz*


Hapee birthdae. :D

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