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E3 2010: Winners, Losers, And Motion Control Overload

MT Zehvor


Hai thar everyone, it's MT, and thanks to the wonderful thing called the internet, I can watch E3 without being at E3, so a lot more of my time is wasted in style. Anyways, here's what I saw, and the good, the bad, and the ugly.


We'll go in order, so MICROSOFT is first:


The Good: Halo, Halo, Halo, Halo...and more Halo. Even though there was only one campaign trailer(no multiplayer sadly), we do know that there will something amazing: SPACE COMBAT!!! Also, even though I absolutely hate Kenetic(Natal for those of you who didn't get the renaming memo), it did look pretty cool in the new Star Wars game...maybe they'll finally make a good one of those. Gears of War 3 looked good for those of you who often mistake blood for ketchup, and a new Call of Duty once again opened the show.


The Bad: Motion Control, motion control, and motion control. It was bad enough as it is, but the fact that they had to remind you about it every ten seconds didn't help either. To prove the point, 32% of voters said that if Gears of War 3 used Kenetic(aka motion control), they would stick a chainsaw through their bedroom door. In fact, Kenetic only got a 25% approval rating after it was showed. Microsoft, you are going in the wrong direction.


The Ugly: X-Box Live...failed horribly. After reminding the audience at least a dozen times that they have 25 million players(and that they want your money), they went on to say that ESPN is now available free of charge for gold subscribers. Except that it's also on your TV, unless you're too poor to afford cable, in which case you're probably nowhere near rich enough to afford a gold subscription. Nice logic there team X-Box.




The Good: Metroid, was, as always, amazing. Looked very reminiscent of the old Metroids, but the lack of Prime reference is starting to annoy me. Also a new Zelda(Skyward Sword) is going to be hitting stores in 2011, and it looks decent. 3DS made a great appearance with Kid Icarus. Also probably the biggest surprise was the new "Wii Party," a Mario type game with Mii characters.


The Bad: One day, Nintendo will realize that they don't have to stick Mario on every single game they produce. That day is not today. Mario Volleyball, Dodgeball, Hockey....good lord this is starting to hurt my eyes. Anyways, if you want another sports failure reminiscent of the Olympic Games error, then pick this up. Otherwise...go for that new Metroid or Wii Party thing. But hey, at least they left Sonic out of this one. Sega, your name is not completely disgraced.


The Ugly: Advertising...when will Nintendo finally realize that WE DON'T CARE HOW MANY WII'S/DS'S PEOPLE HAVE BOUGHT. Probably around the same time as the aforementioned one...but still, we can hope. Also, it seemed like every single demonstration they did had some sort of bug. And taking a jab at Steve Jobs is a big no no when no one in the crowd even slightly laughs.




The Good: Sequels, sequels, and more sequels. Portal 2. Probably the strongest showing of the event. Glados' ruins looked cool. Also Dead Space 2 and Infamous 2 look nice as well. Props for Sony's attempt to bring the PSP back to dominance by admitting their "past mistakes" and announcing release dates for over 70 new titles for the station of portable playness.


The Bad: While there was nothing quite as bad as the PSP GO this time around, it kind of felt like a bunch of the games they were advertising really shouldn't have gotten that much attention, especially Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2011. I know you're trying to demonstrate how the those Wands work, but c'mon, learn to pick an advertising model. Also it just sort of felt like the Move was completely forgotten at the end of the show, because it was barely mentioned at all in the 2nd half of it.


The Funny: Sony doesn't get an "ugly," because their spokesperson (Kevin Butler) was absolutely hilarious(and, unlike Nintendo, most of the people in the audience got his jokes).


Anyways, with that said, I still think Nintendo did the best job of presenting, mainly because that so many of the games they advertised looked amazing(Other M, Skyward Sword, new Kid Icarus). And then there was the 3Ds (insert drooling here).




Please remove the double comment (comment 18) before republishing this entry. Thanks! -Nukaya


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I think the other stuff made up for the Mario Sports thing. I mean, not only do we get the 3DS reveal we've been waiting for for months... We get the reveal of Kid Icarus(on the 3DS and looking like a Wii title), we get Goldeneye for Wii, and other huge stuff. I think it's mostly the shock factor, but still. =P

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And taking a jab at Steve Jobs is a big no no.

Why? Steve Jobs is one of the biggest blowhards of the computing industry. He needs to be put in his place from time to time.


Also, why the Kinect/ESPN hate? Kinect's tech looked impressive and I'm interested in where it can go for games (also I just want to navigate my dashboard only using my hands and voice. That's too awesome). ESPN is great because it means I could drop cable if I wanted to. Between Netflix, Hulu on my PC, and ESPN, why would I need cable TV anymore? I can get tons of programming on my 360 and my PC that cable kinda becomes useless because it doesn't deliver enough interesting content and that's a huge savings. Or for another example, in my apartment, we only have one cable hookup that'll go on one tv. What if one of my friends wants to use it to watch TV or play games and I want to watch sports? I can go to my own TV and use my Xbox to watch ESPN as well as being able to talk with my live friends while I do it. How is that not awesome? And it's free? That's an even bigger deal.


Oh, and a Gold Live Subscription costs $50 a year vs probably around $50 a month for Cable. I think you can afford Live much easier than Cable, and even then it's not a matter of whether I can afford it or not, but if I can save $50 a month why wouldn't I? Over 12 months that would be $600. That's a bit more than $50 for a year.

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I dunno what cable you're buying, but over here it's $30 a month. The main reason I'm a skeptic of Kenetic is simply this:


How many of the game made for the Wii using motion control turned out well?


I'd say about 25%. Maybe less. Even if Kenetic does work out beautifully, there's another side to this, which is that I don't want motion control. I don't want to flail my arms around like a 10 year old school girl to play video games. I like the old controllers, and let's leave them that way.


Steve Jobs is one of the biggest blowhards of the computing industry. He needs to be put in his place from time to time.

I can see someone's just a little bit high on Microsoft. Anyways, I'll leave your opinion of Steve Jobs to yourself, but no one in the room got the joke. It was so quiet, you could hear a pin drop.


And, um, as for all of your apartment issues, I really can't help you there. You're welcome to figure out your own living costs. I'm just saying, that for some of us who have a TV with parents paying for cable, buying the $50 gold membership just for ESPN seems a little...well...illogical.


I don't have ESPN. And I have Gold.

It's later this year..or next year...or sometime.


I think the other stuff made up for the Mario Sports thing. I mean, not only do we get the 3DS reveal we've been waiting for for months... We get the reveal of Kid Icarus(on the 3DS and looking like a Wii title), we get Goldeneye for Wii, and other huge stuff. I think it's mostly the shock factor, but still. =P

3DS did look amazing. Probably should've talked more about that.



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The Good: Metroid, was, as always, amazing. Looked very reminiscent of the old Metroids, but the lack of Prime reference is starting to annoy me. Also a new Zelda(Skyward Sword) is going to be hitting stores in 2011, and it looks decent. 3DS made a great appearance with Kid Icarus. Also probably the biggest surprise was the new "Wii Party," a Mario type game with Super Smash Brothers characters.

Metroid did look quite amazing. Although I must ask, why does the lack of a Prime reference annoy you? Other M isn't in the same line as the Prime part of the series. I'm not gonna lie, that makes no sense to me.


Zelda looks very artistic, as does Kirby, and Epic Mickey. All of which made a huge splash.


3DS was the biggest surprise, even though we knew it was coming the reveal was most impressive. Especially considering the current line up of games announced for it. 3DS is going to be amazing. Plus it can watch 3D movies. There is a lot in a small package.


And Wii Party... It is Mario Party with Miis... I don't know where you got the part with Super Smash Bros. characters from. It is aimed at casual gamers, honestly it falls under the pass category.


The Bad: One day, Nintendo will realize that they don't have to stick Mario on every single game they produce. That day is not today. Mario Volleyball, Dodgeball, Hockey....good lord this is starting to hurt my eyes. Anyways, if you want another sports failure reminiscent of the Olympic Games error, then pick this up. Otherwise...go for that new Metroid or Wii Party thing. But hey, at least they left Sonic out of this one. Sega, your name is not completely disgraced.

Why wouldn't they market Mario? The Mario games sell. Honestly, I thought the Olympic Sports games were pretty fun. Isn't that the point of video games?


The Ugly: Advertising...when will Nintendo finally realize that WE DON'T CARE HOW MANY WII'S/DS'S PEOPLE HAVE BOUGHT. Probably around the same time as the aforementioned one...but still, we can hope. Also, it seemed like every single demonstration they did had some sort of bug. And taking a jab at Steve Jobs is a big no no.


Advertising? Really? All of them are there for advertising. E3 is a Press Only event. The entire thing is for advertising to the press. Investor care how many they sold. So do the 3rd Party developers. It shows a figure for their install base and means we have more people who play our systems. As a developer this means there is a better chance to make money. Gaming is a business. The entire event is advertising.


The only bug they had was interference (likely from a bluetooth device). Bluetooth is what the Wii remote uses to communicate. Interference can occur. And from all the other information out of E3 from the hands on reports, the new Zelda controls perfectly. Nintendo even proved that at the round table discussion.


Also, Steve Jobs needs to be taken down a few notches. More than that even. He is one of the reasons I will never buy an apple product. Steve Jobs is, IMO, overrated.


I'm not really a fan of Microsoft so I'll let others give their feedback at that part.



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Metroid did look quite amazing. Although I must ask, why does the lack of a Prime reference annoy you? Other M isn't in the same line as the Prime part of the series. I'm not gonna lie, that makes no sense to me.

Because Nate Bihldorf(sp?) said in an interview that there would be a lot of Prime-like aspects in the game, and I'm not seeing any of those. Outside of that, it looks amazing, it's just that some of my hopes got let down. Potential GOTY candidate tho.


Why wouldn't they market Mario? The Mario games sell. Honestly, I thought the Olympic Sports games were pretty fun. Isn't that the point of video games?

Because, quite frankly, the market is getting really over-saturated with Mario games. Mario at the Olympic Games. Super Mario Galaxy 1. Super Mario Galaxy 2. New Super Mario Bros. And in that time span, only one real Metroid game has been released and 0 Zelda games have. I think it's about time Nintendo started paying a bit more attention to their other franchises.


And also, I'm really surprised that you thought the Olympic Games was pretty fun. Everyone I know who played the game said it wasn't very good(including one here on BZP). But I guess opinion is opinion.


Advertising? Really? All of them are there for advertising. E3 is a Press Only event. The entire thing is for advertising to the press. Investor care how many they sold. So do the 3rd Party developers. It shows a figure for their install base and means we have more people who play our systems. As a developer this means there is a better chance to make money. Gaming is a business. The entire event is advertising.

If you saw the event, you'd know what I mean. Nintendo was constantly shoving it in your face that they were "clearly dominating the hand held industry market," and that, "more people intend to buy the Nintendo Wii than all other consoles combined." Thanks Nintendo, we know. Now start talking about the actual games instead of your past sellings.


Also, Steve Jobs needs to be taken down a few notches. More than that even. He is one of the reasons I will never buy an apple product. Steve Jobs is, IMO, overrated.

Maybe when you invent an iPhone, you can talk.





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Metroid did look quite amazing. Although I must ask, why does the lack of a Prime reference annoy you? Other M isn't in the same line as the Prime part of the series. I'm not gonna lie, that makes no sense to me.

Because Nate Bihldorf(sp?) said in an interview that there would be a lot of Prime-like aspects in the game, and I'm not seeing any of those. Outside of that, it looks amazing, it's just that some of my hopes got let down. Potential GOTY candidate tho.

Actually, as far as I recall, he did not say that. After reading some of the interviews with him it confirms what I said. It is designed to be a throwback to the days of Super Nintendo. Nate Bihldorff, is localization producer at Nintendo of America. He is not Yoshio Sakamoto, who was one of the designers and creators of Metroid. His words are the ones to pay attention to about the design aspects. I've got a lot of respect for Nate, his focus and job is to localize it for our region. When it comes down to primary game questions, Sakamoto is the person to watch.


Why wouldn't they market Mario? The Mario games sell. Honestly, I thought the Olympic Sports games were pretty fun. Isn't that the point of video games?

Because, quite frankly, the market is getting really over-saturated with Mario games. Mario at the Olympic Games. Super Mario Galaxy 1. Super Mario Galaxy 2. New Super Mario Bros. And in that time span, only one real Metroid game has been released and 0 Zelda games have. I think it's about time Nintendo started paying a bit more attention to their other franchises.


And also, I'm really surprised that you thought the Olympic Games was pretty fun. Everyone I know who played the game said it wasn't very good(including one here on BZP). But I guess opinion is opinion.

Mario is Nintendo's flagship title. There have always been more Mario games than their other series. This is a fact. And all you are listing are Wii games. Zelda also had Spirit Tracks. Not to mention the other Mario games and Nintendo's other series' that have been getting attention on the DS. Nintendo may focus on Mario but all of the titles with the exception of Olympic Games were high quality titles. The Olympic Games series is in fact developed more by Sega. Also in that span we had two Metroid games. We had Metroid Prime 3 and Metroid Prime Trilogy. Not to mention Other M. Metroid has been getting a lot of support in the last few years. Honestly, there was a huge period of time of no Metroid games being released. 1994 with Super Metroid to 2002 with Metroid Fusion and Metroid Prime. And for awhile we were getting a new Zelda game, every year. Honestly, all of the Mario Sports games have sold well. Why stop doing something that works? That seems like a bad idea to me.


Also, have you actually watched the press conference? Nintendo sure did focus on many other franchises such as Kid Icarus, Kirby, and Donkey Kong. All of which haven't had proper games in a while.


Advertising? Really? All of them are there for advertising. E3 is a Press Only event. The entire thing is for advertising to the press. Investor care how many they sold. So do the 3rd Party developers. It shows a figure for their install base and means we have more people who play our systems. As a developer this means there is a better chance to make money. Gaming is a business. The entire event is advertising.

If you saw the event, you'd know what I mean. Nintendo was constantly shoving it in your face that they were "clearly dominating the hand held industry market," and that, "more people intend to buy the Nintendo Wii than all other consoles combined." Thanks Nintendo, we know. Now start talking about the actual games instead of your past sellings.

I did watch the event. Twice. And I watched various parts of it after that. All of the game companies talked numbers. The entire event is a form of advertising. Electronic Entertainment Expo. It allows the press, investors, and developers, as well as hardcore gamers to know what is coming in the future. The entire event is advertising. Microsoft spouted off numbers. Nintendo did too. So did Sony. All of them did it. Why hate Nintendo for giving facts? Also, if you have seen the past E3's by Nintendo you would know that this was minimal compared to the last few years. Nintendo did focus on the games. You will hear a lot of gamers saying Nintendo has won this years E3. And after seeing Nintendo's, Sony's and getting a recap of Microsoft's. Nintendo did not disappoint. They weren't focused on on the casual market this time. Both Sony and Microsoft attempted that. It didn't go so well. Nintendo has had their faults in past E3's but not in this one.


Also, Steve Jobs needs to be taken down a few notches. More than that even. He is one of the reasons I will never buy an apple product. Steve Jobs is, IMO, overrated.

Maybe when you invent an iPhone, you can talk.

I can talk. I have an opinion. ;)


And I think the iPhone is an overrated piece of junk.



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Also, Steve Jobs needs to be taken down a few notches. More than that even. He is one of the reasons I will never buy an apple product. Steve Jobs is, IMO, overrated.

Maybe when you invent an iPhone, you can talk.

I can talk. I have an opinion. ;)


And I think the iPhone is an overrated piece of junk.



finally someone besides me thinks the iphone is overrated

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Actually, as far as I recall, he did not say that. After reading some of the interviews with him it confirms what I said. It is designed to be a throwback to the days of Super Nintendo. Nate Bihldorff, is localization producer at Nintendo of America.

It's a video interview. Look for the one right after the intro to Other M was leaked.


Mario is Nintendo's flagship title. There have always been more Mario games than their other series. This is a fact. And all you are listing are Wii games. Zelda also had Spirit Tracks. Not to mention the other Mario games and Nintendo's other series' that have been getting attention on the DS. Nintendo may focus on Mario but all of the titles with the exception of Olympic Games were high quality titles. The Olympic Games series is in fact developed more by Sega. Also in that span we had two Metroid games. We had Metroid Prime 3 and Metroid Prime Trilogy. Not to mention Other M. Metroid has been getting a lot of support in the last few years. Honestly, there was a huge period of time of no Metroid games being released. 1994 with Super Metroid to 2002 with Metroid Fusion and Metroid Prime. And for awhile we were getting a new Zelda game, every year. Honestly, all of the Mario Sports games have sold well. Why stop doing something that works? That seems like a bad idea to me.

Trilogy wasn't a "real" game, as it was just three previously released titles, two of them with new controls.


Nintendo did not disappoint. They weren't focused on on the casual market this time. Both Sony and Microsoft attempted that. It didn't go so well. Nintendo has had their faults in past E3's but not in this one.

So you're saying Nintendo was spotless? I think the bandwagon needs some emptying. Anyways, back to the Mario point: it probably does sell a lot, and I'm sure they get lots of money for it, but I don't think the other franchises sell any less, really. In March of 2008(I can't find the Corruption statistics for now) Prime 3 had solds about as many units as SMG. And while sure, Mario may be a franchise person or whatever, what % of those people that buy Mario games are really the "hardcore" fans? I'd be willing to bet, surprisingly, that Zelda and Metroid have more "hardcore" fans than Mario. But irrelevant point is irrelevant.


Then again, if it all comes down to money, then Nintendo should just stick Mario on everything and sell it. Heck, let's put Mario in Samus' suit for Other M cause it'll sell better. Cause money's everything, right?


As for the other franchises, it's about time. Also, you can thank Retro Studios for the Donkey Kong thing.


And I think the iPhone is an overrated piece of junk.

Well, I guess you now know how I feel about Super Mario Galaxy 2.



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If this blog entry proves anything, it's that no company is perfect, and that Sony will definitely complete the trifecta. I agree though. Nintendo needs to give Metroid and their other franchises a chance instead of relying on an Italian plumber to make all their money. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, maybe not even next year or within the next decade, but eventually Mario will lose his popularity and die out. If Nintendo doesn't expand on their other franchises soon and Mario meets his inevitable end, they will have nothing to fall back on. And I would much rather play Halo than a Mario game because I happen to find shooting games more enjoyable. (Though I guess calling Halo a "shooting game" would be rather stereotypical of me.)


I also agree with the advertising thing. It doesn't matter to us how many Wiis you've sold Nintendo, it only matters to you. But the iPhone really is an overrated piece of crud. I recently learned they're releasing a third version of this thing. What's the fourth version going to be like? Will it turn into a robot and be my servant? Seriously though, you're selling something called the iPhone. Key word, iPhone. When I want a cell phone, I want a cell Phone. That's it. I just want to dial a number and call someone. I don't need to waste time, minutes, and energy texting, I don't need to access the Internet when I have a perfectly good (although rather slow) computer here at home. And pretty much all the other features are useless anyways, except maybe the camera.


Also, didn't you say you were going to post a Mogwai/gremlin/Almost There discussion topic here?


-Zehvor Brenmac :)

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If this blog entry proves anything, it's that no company is perfect, and that Sony will definitely complete the trifecta. I agree though. Nintendo needs to give Metroid and their other franchises a chance instead of relying on an Italian plumber to make all their money. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, maybe not even next year or within the next decade, but eventually Mario will lose his popularity and die out. If Nintendo doesn't expand on their other franchises soon and Mario meets his inevitable end, they will have nothing to fall back on. And I would much rather play Halo than a Mario game because I happen to find shooting games more enjoyable. (Though I guess calling Halo a "shooting game" would be rather stereotypical of me.)

Hooray. Finally someone who doesn't worship Mario.


Anyways, yes, but there were a couple blog requests that needed to be filled out first. Now that they're done, your's will be up shortly.



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Actually, as far as I recall, he did not say that. After reading some of the interviews with him it confirms what I said. It is designed to be a throwback to the days of Super Nintendo. Nate Bihldorff, is localization producer at Nintendo of America.

It's a video interview. Look for the one right after the intro to Other M was leaked.

If it is the one that I think it is, he said it borrows from all Metroids, but is heavily influenced by the 2D Metroid games the most.


Mario is Nintendo's flagship title. There have always been more Mario games than their other series. This is a fact. And all you are listing are Wii games. Zelda also had Spirit Tracks. Not to mention the other Mario games and Nintendo's other series' that have been getting attention on the DS. Nintendo may focus on Mario but all of the titles with the exception of Olympic Games were high quality titles. The Olympic Games series is in fact developed more by Sega. Also in that span we had two Metroid games. We had Metroid Prime 3 and Metroid Prime Trilogy. Not to mention Other M. Metroid has been getting a lot of support in the last few years. Honestly, there was a huge period of time of no Metroid games being released. 1994 with Super Metroid to 2002 with Metroid Fusion and Metroid Prime. And for awhile we were getting a new Zelda game, every year. Honestly, all of the Mario Sports games have sold well. Why stop doing something that works? That seems like a bad idea to me.

Trilogy wasn't a "real" game, as it was just three previously released titles, two of them with new controls.

So... a game rerelease isn't a game? Are you serious? That is the most ridiculous thing I've heard in a long time.


Nintendo did not disappoint. They weren't focused on on the casual market this time. Both Sony and Microsoft attempted that. It didn't go so well. Nintendo has had their faults in past E3's but not in this one.

So you're saying Nintendo was spotless? I think the bandwagon needs some emptying. Anyways, back to the Mario point: it probably does sell a lot, and I'm sure they get lots of money for it, but I don't think the other franchises sell any less, really. In March of 2008(I can't find the Corruption statistics for now) Prime 3 had solds about as many units as SMG. And while sure, Mario may be a franchise person or whatever, what % of those people that buy Mario games are really the "hardcore" fans? I'd be willing to bet, surprisingly, that Zelda and Metroid have more "hardcore" fans than Mario. But irrelevant point is irrelevant.

No company is spotless, however both Sony and Microsoft failed at their Press conferences. Nintendo delivered so many titles that the fans wanted. Actually, Mario is the top selling franchise of all time. None of their other ones come close. Super Mario Galaxy has sold 8.67 million while Metroid Prime 3 has sold 1.57 million. They are no where close. Also, SMG2 and New Super Mario Bros. Wii are designed to be harder, you know for the hardcore. Mario is for everyone and even most hardcore gamers respect that. Super Mario Galaxy 2 is currently the highest rated game EVER. The people who review them are hardcore gamers. Please be sure to check your facts before attempting to argue your point. ;)


Then again, if it all comes down to money, then Nintendo should just stick Mario on everything and sell it. Heck, let's put Mario in Samus' suit for Other M cause it'll sell better. Cause money's everything, right?


As for the other franchises, it's about time. Also, you can thank Retro Studios for the Donkey Kong thing.

Nintendo is the house that Mario built. It isn't called that for no reason. Nintendo sill pays attention to the other franchises that made them great. Also, a new DK was bound to happen. I'm glad they let Retro take the helm for it.


And I think the iPhone is an overrated piece of junk.

Well, I guess you now know how I feel about Super Mario Galaxy 2.



SMG 2 is currently the highest rated video game ever. It is honestly your loss to miss such an artistic and amazing game.


If this blog entry proves anything, it's that no company is perfect, and that Sony will definitely complete the trifecta. I agree though. Nintendo needs to give Metroid and their other franchises a chance instead of relying on an Italian plumber to make all their money. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, maybe not even next year or within the next decade, but eventually Mario will lose his popularity and die out. If Nintendo doesn't expand on their other franchises soon and Mario meets his inevitable end, they will have nothing to fall back on. And I would much rather play Halo than a Mario game because I happen to find shooting games more enjoyable. (Though I guess calling Halo a "shooting game" would be rather stereotypical of me.)

Nintendo is paying to it's franchises. Plus they have 3rd party support. Let's see: DKC, Kirby, Goldeneye, Resident Evil, Super Street Fighter IV, Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory, Metal Gear Sold 3, Driver, Shin Megami Tensei, Starfox, Mario Kart, Ridge Racer, Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest, Super Monkeyball, Sonic, Assassin’s Creed, Saints Row, Kingdom Hearts, PES, Pilotwings, Conduit. Nintendo's own titles will be quite a bit and if they keep innovating they will keep selling. Mario is associated with Nintendo, and they know how to treat Mario. As for what games are preferred is personal choice. I'm not much of a fan of shooters. Personal taste there.


I also agree with the advertising thing. It doesn't matter to us how many Wiis you've sold Nintendo, it only matters to you. But the iPhone really is an overrated piece of crud. I recently learned they're releasing a third version of this thing. What's the fourth version going to be like? Will it turn into a robot and be my servant? Seriously though, you're selling something called the iPhone. Key word, iPhone. When I want a cell phone, I want a cell Phone. That's it. I just want to dial a number and call someone. I don't need to waste time, minutes, and energy texting, I don't need to access the Internet when I have a perfectly good (although rather slow) computer here at home. And pretty much all the other features are useless anyways, except maybe the camera.

Like I said, E3 is a big advertisement. Also, agreed on the iPhone. Although I personally like the Droid, more or less because I like the features of it.



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meh i dont really like video games much only have once gaming console which is the wii which i usually just play boxing on it :P i do other stuff weird stuff at that like walking my snake (yes im crazy) going to work at a gator park building stuff and other things

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So... a game rerelease isn't a game? Are you serious? That is the most ridiculous thing I've heard in a long time.

I suppose it depends on your definition of a game, but if say a company kept rereleasing the same game with new controls for about 10 times in a row, would you say all those ten times are new games?


SMG 2 is currently the highest rated video game ever. It is honestly your loss to miss such an artistic and amazing game.

I've played it through multiple times actually, completed all of the levels, found all the stars, and even made my way to the boss blitz galaxy. What I don't understand is why in the world it's rated that high. The game itself is far too easy, the bosses are incredibly repetitive, and while most of the worlds are creative, they in themselves become far too easy after the first few minutes. The only things I found remotely hard were the comets, and even then, it only took me a few tries to beat the hardest one(tree slide).


No company is spotless, however both Sony and Microsoft failed at their Press conferences. Nintendo delivered so many titles that the fans wanted. Actually, Mario is the top selling franchise of all time. None of their other ones come close. Super Mario Galaxy has sold 8.67 million while Metroid Prime 3 has sold 1.57 million. They are no where close. Also, SMG2 and New Super Mario Bros. Wii are designed to be harder, you know for the hardcore. Mario is for everyone and even most hardcore gamers respect that. Super Mario Galaxy 2 is currently the highest rated game EVER. The people who review them are hardcore gamers. Please be sure to check your facts before attempting to argue your point.

I did check my facts, and if you read my points more carefully, you'd know what I said is true. In 2008 their numbers were about the same, however, SMG has had an incredible(even I'll admit it) spike in numbers bought, while Corruption has declined incredibly since it's debut. Why this is, I'm not sure.


I've played NSMBWii as well, and while it posed more of a challenge than SMG2, it wasn't really all that difficult either. The final battle was possibly the most un-epic boss fight I have ever seen. Run underneath Bowser when he jumps, and then run away from him while letting his oversized fireballs blow holes in the wall for you. Plus the ridiculous amount of extra lives pretty much cancels out any chance the Koopa bosses had of sending you back to the start of the castle level. Where exactly is the "harder" in this?



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So... a game rerelease isn't a game? Are you serious? That is the most ridiculous thing I've heard in a long time.

I suppose it depends on your definition of a game, but if say a company kept rereleasing the same game with new controls for about 10 times in a row, would you say all those ten times are new games?


SMG 2 is currently the highest rated video game ever. It is honestly your loss to miss such an artistic and amazing game.

I've played it through multiple times actually, completed all of the levels, found all the stars, and even made my way to the boss blitz galaxy. What I don't understand is why in the world it's rated that high. The game itself is far too easy, the bosses are incredibly repetitive, and while most of the worlds are creative, they in themselves become far too easy after the first few minutes. The only things I found remotely hard were the comets, and even then, it only took me a few tries to beat the hardest one(tree slide).

So you are saying you have played it through many times and have gotten all 120 stars, as well as all 120 green stars? And you have beaten the Grandmaster Galaxy? To me tree slide was easy, and while there were easy stars, it also had a lot of challenging stars were many lives were lost. I personally liked the bosses, as well as the rest of it. The game is fabulously beautiful, the music is amazing, and it brings people back to that sense of nostalgia. The game rarely asks you to do the same thing twice, most of those were the chimp stars. Later in the game you rarely have a chance to stop, it is a game that tests reflexes and it does provide a challenge. Games don't get good reviews when they are boring and generic, like most shooters, IMO, it is a game that didn't need to prove anything, and that allowed it to be great.


No company is spotless, however both Sony and Microsoft failed at their Press conferences. Nintendo delivered so many titles that the fans wanted. Actually, Mario is the top selling franchise of all time. None of their other ones come close. Super Mario Galaxy has sold 8.67 million while Metroid Prime 3 has sold 1.57 million. They are no where close. Also, SMG2 and New Super Mario Bros. Wii are designed to be harder, you know for the hardcore. Mario is for everyone and even most hardcore gamers respect that. Super Mario Galaxy 2 is currently the highest rated game EVER. The people who review them are hardcore gamers. Please be sure to check your facts before attempting to argue your point.

I did check my facts, and if you read my points more carefully, you'd know what I said is true. In 2008 their numbers were about the same, however, SMG has had an incredible(even I'll admit it) spike in numbers bought, while Corruption has declined incredibly since it's debut. Why this is, I'm not sure.

I still can't find a source for your information after checking all of my gaming sources. (The sources for my facts were VGChartz, The Nintendo Press website, and their financial reports.) Mario games always have a long tail. This has been proven many times.


I've played NSMBWii as well, and while it posed more of a challenge than SMG2, it wasn't really all that difficult either. The final battle was possibly the most un-epic boss fight I have ever seen. Run underneath Bowser when he jumps, and then run away from him while letting his oversized fireballs blow holes in the wall for you. Plus the ridiculous amount of extra lives pretty much cancels out any chance the Koopa bosses had of sending you back to the start of the castle level. Where exactly is the "harder" in this?

I found NSMBWii to be very fun, games don't need to be impossible. I like games that I don't need to get frustrated by. Games are supposed to be fun. Even in Mario not everything is going to be a challenge, but parts of it is. If you are a completionist, there are parts that are a challenge. I find the games to be challenging and fun. They aren't frustrating unlike some hardcore games can be. They are fun and always ask you to do new things.


Rule #1 of gaming: Games are supposed to be fun. Sadly to me, most gamers have forgotten that.



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If this blog entry proves anything, it's that no company is perfect, and that Sony will definitely complete the trifecta. I agree though. Nintendo needs to give Metroid and their other franchises a chance instead of relying on an Italian plumber to make all their money. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, maybe not even next year or within the next decade, but eventually Mario will lose his popularity and die out. If Nintendo doesn't expand on their other franchises soon and Mario meets his inevitable end, they will have nothing to fall back on. And I would much rather play Halo than a Mario game because I happen to find shooting games more enjoyable. (Though I guess calling Halo a "shooting game" would be rather stereotypical of me.)

Nintendo is paying to it's franchises. Plus they have 3rd party support. Let's see: DKC, Kirby, Goldeneye, Resident Evil, Super Street Fighter IV, Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory, Metal Gear Sold 3, Driver, Shin Megami Tensei, Starfox, Mario Kart, Ridge Racer, Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest, Super Monkeyball, Sonic, Assassin’s Creed, Saints Row, Kingdom Hearts, PES, Pilotwings, Conduit. Nintendo's own titles will be quite a bit and if they keep innovating they will keep selling. Mario is associated with Nintendo, and they know how to treat Mario. As for what games are preferred is personal choice. I'm not much of a fan of shooters. Personal taste there.


Most of those games I've never heard of (though I guess it doesn't matter if one person has no knowledge of them.) nor seen any obvious expansion on. No commercials, no ads, nothing. I said that because I felt that Nintendo had to expand on a sort of "second most popular" game so they will know which really sell well, as no doubt some of those games sold better than others, so when the Mario game series eventually does end, they will know what to turn to next. Everything has its time, and Mario is no exception to that rule, no matter how popular he is.


-Zehvor Brenmac :)




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I have done everything you asked, including the GM galaxy. The tree slide was the only comet I found hard, just because I kept falling through the holes in the slide.


I still can't find a source for your information after checking all of my gaming sources. (The sources for my facts were VGChartz, The Nintendo Press website, and their financial reports.) Mario games always have a long tail. This has been proven many times.

I'll hand it to you here. Mine was Wikipedia(not 100% sure how accurate it is), but it might be wrong. Still, with that said, popularity doesn't seem to matter in this discussion, so I'm not sure why we're discussing it.


I found NSMBWii to be very fun, games don't need to be impossible.

I'm not saying it has to be impossible. This isn't supposed to be Ninja Gaiden. What I would like, however, is for it to take me actually more than 2 tries to beat a boss. That's what I consider a "fun" challenge. To me, a game isn't fun when it poses no challenge at all. And that's sadly to me what the Mario series is turning into.


Don't get me wrong, I don't hate the recent Mario games cause I hate Mario in general. I love the old ones, including the first Super Mario Bros. That was a good game, because it posed a decent challenge while not being unbeatable. Sadly, I get the feeling that Metroid is heading the same way that Mario games today are with the new insanely easy level of difficulty(aka the "normal" where I had an undefeated run on my first playthrough).


Games don't get good reviews when they are boring and generic, like most shooters, IMO, it is a game that didn't need to prove anything, and that allowed it to be great.

Really? What part of fighting Bowser in the exact same way three times didn't get boring to you?



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If this blog entry proves anything, it's that no company is perfect, and that Sony will definitely complete the trifecta. I agree though. Nintendo needs to give Metroid and their other franchises a chance instead of relying on an Italian plumber to make all their money. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, maybe not even next year or within the next decade, but eventually Mario will lose his popularity and die out. If Nintendo doesn't expand on their other franchises soon and Mario meets his inevitable end, they will have nothing to fall back on. And I would much rather play Halo than a Mario game because I happen to find shooting games more enjoyable. (Though I guess calling Halo a "shooting game" would be rather stereotypical of me.)

Nintendo is paying to it's franchises. Plus they have 3rd party support. Let's see: DKC, Kirby, Goldeneye, Resident Evil, Super Street Fighter IV, Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory, Metal Gear Sold 3, Driver, Shin Megami Tensei, Starfox, Mario Kart, Ridge Racer, Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest, Super Monkeyball, Sonic, Assassin’s Creed, Saints Row, Kingdom Hearts, PES, Pilotwings, Conduit. Nintendo's own titles will be quite a bit and if they keep innovating they will keep selling. Mario is associated with Nintendo, and they know how to treat Mario. As for what games are preferred is personal choice. I'm not much of a fan of shooters. Personal taste there.


Most of those games I've never heard of (though I guess it doesn't matter if one person has no knowledge of them.) nor seen any obvious expansion on. No commercials, no ads, nothing. I said that because I felt that Nintendo had to expand on a sort of "second most popular" game so they will know which really sell well, as no doubt some of those games sold better than others, so when the Mario game series eventually does end, they will know what to turn to next. Everything has its time, and Mario is no exception to that rule, no matter how popular he is.

Those games were all just announced. To put things in perspective, Nintendo announced more games at E3 this year than Microsoft and Sony combined. Those are all huge franchises with huge followings. Mario won't end anytime soon, Mario is an icon in the gaming world and his games have a special magic about them, as long as they keep that magic and innovate him, he will continue to sell.


I have done everything you asked, including the GM galaxy. The tree slide was the only comet I found hard, just because I kept falling through the holes in the slide.


I still can't find a source for your information after checking all of my gaming sources. (The sources for my facts were VGChartz, The Nintendo Press website, and their financial reports.) Mario games always have a long tail. This has been proven many times.

I'll hand it to you here. Mine was Wikipedia(not 100% sure how accurate it is), but it might be wrong. Still, with that said, popularity doesn't seem to matter in this discussion, so I'm not sure why we're discussing it.

Firstly, for future reference wikipedia is often full of misinformation and is never a viable source. Popularity does matter in the discussion, it shows that Super Mario Galaxy had a long tail and went on to sell approximately 7 million more copies than Metroid Prime 3: Corruption.


I found NSMBWii to be very fun, games don't need to be impossible.

I'm not saying it has to be impossible. This isn't supposed to be Ninja Gaiden. What I would like, however, is for it to take me actually more than 2 tries to beat a boss. That's what I consider a "fun" challenge. To me, a game isn't fun when it poses no challenge at all. And that's sadly to me what the Mario series is turning into.


Don't get me wrong, I don't hate the recent Mario games cause I hate Mario in general. I love the old ones, including the first Super Mario Bros. That was a good game, because it posed a decent challenge while not being unbeatable. Sadly, I get the feeling that Metroid is heading the same way that Mario games today are with the new insanely easy level of difficulty(aka the "normal" where I had an undefeated run on my first playthrough).

If you are going to argue that all games that it doesn't take more two tries to beat a boss in are neither fun or a challenge then you have just discounted a majority of games in the gaming world. If you look at most 8-bit games they are all a lot more challenging than games today, and this is across the gaming spectrum, from shooters to platformers.


Games don't get good reviews when they are boring and generic, like most shooters, IMO, it is a game that didn't need to prove anything, and that allowed it to be great.

Really? What part of fighting Bowser in the exact same way three times didn't get boring to you?

To be fair, one must acknowledge that they were not the exact same battle, each one threw new things at you to dodge. Including the final stage of the last battle. The game does a great job at setting the mood for the battle with the music and general feel. If you look at most of the console Mario games, the Bowser battles are the same with slight differences.



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If you are going to argue that all games that it doesn't take more two tries to beat a boss in are neither fun or a challenge then you have just discounted a majority of games in the gaming world. If you look at most 8-bit games they are all a lot more challenging than games today, and this is across the gaming spectrum, from shooters to platformers.

Well then, what do you consider, "challenging?" While I agree, some games can be fun without an incredibly difficult challenge, I think that just pasting every enemy in sight and easily running over every single level gets really boring, really quick. As for all the games I've discounted, please name some good games that you can best every single boss easily. The only one I can think of is Shadow of the Colossus. Outside of that, I can't think of one good game that is as easy as Galaxy 2 was.


To be fair, one must acknowledge that they were not the exact same battle, each one threw new things at you to dodge.

They added one attack to his arsenal, and that was fire breath. The way you beat him was the exact same, the arena(planet) was the exact same, heck, even his health bar was the same. If it wasn't for the last part at the end, it might possibly have been the most pathetic final boss ever.


While Galaxy 2 was "fun," as you put it, I don't think that it was anywhere near the 10/10 rankings it got.


To put things in perspective, Nintendo announced more games at E3 this year than Microsoft and Sony combined.

And that's why it got 1st place at E3 IMO.



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If you are going to argue that all games that it doesn't take more two tries to beat a boss in are neither fun or a challenge then you have just discounted a majority of games in the gaming world. If you look at most 8-bit games they are all a lot more challenging than games today, and this is across the gaming spectrum, from shooters to platformers.

Well then, what do you consider, "challenging?" While I agree, some games can be fun without an incredibly difficult challenge, I think that just pasting every enemy in sight and easily running over every single level gets really boring, really quick. As for all the games I've discounted, please name some good games that you can best every single boss easily. The only one I can think of is Shadow of the Colossus. Outside of that, I can't think of one good game that is as easy as Galaxy 2 was.

I tend to explore every nook and cranny of games. I try to defeat all creatures and I like to get the most from my games. I like to find every secret. As for bosses that are easy, I've never played a hard shooter, most of them are boring to me. Heck even, Zelda bosses aren't a challenge, same with Kirby, as well as most big name games. Final Fantasy can even be challenge, but if you grind to level up, you can beat bosses in one go. Most bosses are easy. Most have a pattern. Find the pattern and you can usually beat the boss. SotC was a good game, but it lacked anything in between and that is where it fell short, even then some of the bosses were difficult. I still beat all of them the first time though. As for, Galaxy 2 it is a decent challenge, I still haven't beat it yet but I don't spend all of my time playing games. And while most stars were relatively easy there were still stars that were really challenging. Some of which could easily cause even the best gamers to lose countless lives.


To be fair, one must acknowledge that they were not the exact same battle, each one threw new things at you to dodge.

They added one attack to his arsenal, and that was fire breath. The way you beat him was the exact same, the arena(planet) was the exact same, heck, even his health bar was the same. If it wasn't for the last part at the end, it might possibly have been the most pathetic final boss ever.


While Galaxy 2 was "fun," as you put it, I don't think that it was anywhere near the 10/10 rankings it got.

You see... there is a problem, not only did the lasers move differently... also Bowser had no health bar in any of the battles. Not to sound rude, but have you actually played the game? You fight Bowser enough times in the game, three times to be exact, so this should have been common knowledge.



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Those games were all just announced. To put things in perspective, Nintendo announced more games at E3 this year than Microsoft and Sony combined. Those are all huge franchises with huge followings. Mario won't end anytime soon, Mario is an icon in the gaming world and his games have a special magic about them, as long as they keep that magic and innovate him, he will continue to sell.


Even if they do have huge followings, some of those games will still sell better than others because if these are completely new games, some will really sell and others really won't. After they are released, Nintendo will know which ones gamers like and which ones they don't, and also know which ones to expand on and which ones to leave behind. I know Mario isn't ending anytime soon, but that only because he is a known name. Tell me, if Mario wasn't as well known as he is, would his games sell as well? No, they wouldn't. He sells only because he is a well known icon and a constant source of money for Nintendo. Also, if you consider "innovating" so easy and repetitive that someone could beat the game in an hour or so(at least according to MT), what do you consider the opposite? To me, innovating is improving on while at the same time adding something new. And it seems that Mario isn't being innovated or improved on at all while almost nothing new has been provided.


To me, a game isn't fun when it poses no challenge at all. And that's sadly to me what the Mario series is turning into.


This. To me, each new Mario game that comes out isn't as or more challenging than the one(s) that proceeded it. While games are supposed to be fun, it all depends on what our definition of "fun" is. I must admit though, all the while I've been participating this discussion I've felt like somewhat of an outsider due to the fact I don't have half the gaming experience you two do. The closest I've been able to come to your levels is playing what two games I had on the GBA, and playing Godzilla Unleashed on the Wii at my best friend's house. I've also played games such as L.A. Rush at another friend's house, though I don't remember what console they were for.


-Zehvor Brenmac :)

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As for bosses that are easy, I've never played a hard shooter, most of them are boring to me.

I don't think a game has to be a shooter to be hard(and yeah, I'd comment on Zelda too if it got 10/10s). For example, Okami's bosses are probably some of the hardest around(unless you buy extra health which is about as close to cheating as you can get without actually doing it)


As for, Galaxy 2 it is a decent challenge, I still haven't beat it yet but I don't spend all of my time playing games.

Wait, then how do you know how the Bowser fights go if you haven't beat it yet?


You see... there is a problem, not only did the lasers move differently... also Bowser had no health bar in any of the battles. Not to sound rude, but have you actually played the game?

"Health Bar" is the term we Southern gamers use to describe a bad guy's health level. "Life" on the other hand, is your own health. Sorry if my terms confuse you.


You fight Bowser enough times in the game, three times to be exact, so this should have been common knowledge.

I think I posted that you fought him three times somewhere...maybe not... Anyways, I have beaten the game, and considering that I've talked about it with relatively good knowledge, I'm not sure why you would question that.


You see... there is a problem, not only did the lasers move differently

Pardon me for failing to notice how the lasers(shockwave thingy?) moved. But even with that and his new fire attack, I don't think you can call it very different when you beat him in the same way(ground pounding the golden spheres into him), and he takes four hits every time to complete the battle. Enough knowledge demonstrated yet?


No? Very well then, I'll continue. The bosses you fight in the boss blitz galaxy are the pirahna plant dinosaur, the mole thingy, Bouldergeist, (King Kaliente(and there's a coin underneath his platform), and the firey Pirahna plant dino. That list isn't in order, and the real order is PPD, KK, Bouldergiest, Mole with the Spikey Hat, and then the Firey PPD.'


Further Proof: You need 100 stars on the huge tree slide to pass the comet challenge. You need 7 stars to advance to the boss level with Gobblegut. If you shoot a star at the bright glowy things in the ground, you can gain a coin(and 1+ health). Cloud Mario can only use three clouds at a time before needing to recharge. If you get hit while on Yoshi and don't manage to jump on him in time, he'll run away and go hide back in his egg. You press Z after an arm swing to ground pound. You can defeat huge enemies in the giant galaxy(Supermassive I believe is it's name) just by swing attacking into them.


And if that still isn't good enough for you, you're welcome to ask me whatever you want about the game, and I'll be happy to answer it for you.



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If I may...


As for all the games I've discounted, please name some good games that you can best every single boss easily. The only one I can think of is Shadow of the Colossus.


Super Mario Brothers. Every boss is defeated the same way; its bosses are some of the least original ever. Yet you still like it:


I love the old ones, including the first Super Mario Bros.
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Right, but the problem is there that the game is still quite challenging, even without the bosses(8 Bowsers) changing their attack patterns or weaknesses. Bowser's repetitiveness is just one of the things I was pointing out that makes Galaxy 2 easier. If Galaxy 2 was a decent challenge as a whole, I would let that slide.


EDIT: Oh, and by the way, I found the interview that I was looking for(it was the Nintendo Media Summit one). His exact words were:

"You're spending half your time exploring and playing what feels like an old school Metroid game, and then all of a sudden switching into first person, exploring the area and blasting things."


Since obviously the first person view came from the Prime series, my hopes were high for some Prime style elements because he said that half of the time you would be in first person. But outside of shooting a missile lock and scanning for secret passageways, I didn't see many Prime elements, or 1st person for that matter. That's why I was disappointed. That said, the game still looks awesome.



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