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What A Morning...



Hey everyone! I would have posted earlier today... but it wouldn't have been on this topic, so maybe it's a good thing.


So, I'm sleeping this morning and I'm thinking it's pretty early because I'm just chilling in bed and my alarm hasn't gone off yet (set to 7). And where my clock is currently positioned, it's hard to see against the window, so I didn't know what time it was. So I wait. Then my sister comes in to wake me up because it's past 8. Then I realize that the fan I left on all night is off.


Turns out, we didn't have power this morning. From around 6 in the morning til just before lunch, we had a power outage. In the middle of June! Yeah, so that was weird. But we obviously have power back now. :blink:



Other cool stuff: I got my order of custom masks from Scotus (Gonna post pics soon), and we also got in our new tramp! Once it's assembled, I'll post pics of it too. So far, it's been a great day. B)


ALSO: How should I rearrange my room? Click here for a quickly-done sprite sheet and voice your opinion!




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We do too, but the last one we had was Christmas eve... generally all ours are from November thru March, when we have our rough weather.


Also, how should I re-arrange my room? Sprite sheet posted, so make what you think would be good and post it! :P



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the bed would be close to the light switch, (i assumed the switch is there.) the trash can is between the bionicle desk and the shelves, so if you find any broken pieces you cant use anymore you an toss em, and the dresser is where you can put your clock.

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The lightswitch is right beside the door on the left side if you were entering. And thanks! That looks pretty cool. B)



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