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Metroid Moc Contest Voting

Shadow Destroyer




The entry period is over, and now it's time for voting! Voting begins now, and ends on Tuesday, June 22nd. (I will lock this entry on the morning of the 23rd.) After that, it will be the finals. You don't have to have a premier membership or have entered an entry to vote, so feel free to come on in and make your voice heard! I took all 16 entries and divided them into as equal groups as possible.




Group A:


1.FenrakkRider: Plasma Trooper {Reference Picture}

2. Zerosixtyten: Adult Blogg {Reference Picture}

3. Zorrakh: Corrupted Samus {Reference Picture}

4. Shadow Wasp: Galactic Federation Marine {Reference Picture}


Group B:


1. FenrakkRider: Aqua Drone {Reference Picture}

2. lucario trainer: Trace {Reference Picture}

3. Brickeens: Space Pirate {Reference Picture}

4. Shadow Wasp: Dark Samus {Reference Picture}


Group C:


1. lol i haz username: Rundas {Reference Picture}

2. Shadow Wasp: Light Suit Samus {Reference Picture}

3.Zerosixtyten: Dark Space Pirate Commando {Reference Picture}

4. Nitrone 9: Kanden {Reference Picture}


Group D:


1. Shadow Wasp: Warrior Ing {Reference Picture}

2. Zerosixtyten: Warrior Ing {Reference Picture}

3. Oh my miru: Fusion Suit Samus vs. Meta Ridley {Reference 1} {Reference 2}

4. Talos the dark hunter: Weavel {Reference Picture}




To vote, all you have to do is post a comment in this entry. The voting format should look like this:


Group A: (Number of your favorite from Group A )

Group B: (Number of your favorite from Group B )

Group C: (Number of your favorite from Group C )

Group D: (Number of your favorite from Group D )




Frequently Asked Questions:


Q: Can I vote for myself?

A: Yes, you can.


Q: Can I null my vote?

A: To make the results as fair and equal as possible, I'd rather you not null your vote for any of the groups.


Q: Do I have to have a premier membership to vote?

A: No, all you have to have is an account on Bzpower.


Q: How do I know which entry is the best?

A: You should vote based on how good the entries look, and how accurate they are to their reference picture.




So there's all the rules! If you have a question, just post a comment in this entry. Good luck to all the entries!





Recommended Comments

Group A: 2

Group B: 3

Group C: 2

Group D: 1


Dangit, I was planning on doing this, but I lost track of time do to my computer. Ah well, Brick will win anyhow.

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Almost a 3 for every group, but of course I had to vote for myself, if I wasn't being selfish I would have chosen 2.

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