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Sisen Has A Pink...



I woke up about twenty minutes ago and… well my eye was a bit itchy and it felt like I was crying. When I made it to the bathroom mirror I could see my right eye was all red tearing up. I’m pretty sure it isn’t pink eye, but I also know it isn’t just a bloodshot eye from playing videogames nonstop. Lately, I’ve been having all kinds of nasal congestion and sneezing, so I’m thinking it is more of an allergic conjunctivitis aka pink eye.


This isn’t the first time my eye’s been itching and teary though. I don’t know the exact number of times but it’s done it in the past few weeks a couple times. I think I’m going to need to do a bit of cleaning in my room, as I’ve put it off… but if I do start cleaning it I”ll be sure to start a sneezing fit. Then again, I could be wrong and this could be something else entirely, but I have a feeling it call all just be chalked up to allergies.



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I'm not about to go pour silver water into my eye, even though silver does have medicinal purposes. For all you know I could be a werewolf, if I had done that my eyes surely would have burned out of their sockets!


Anyway, my eye cleared up shortly after I woke up.


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I actually did know you are a werewolf, I was just trying to trick you into killing yourself. Oh well, guess I gotta do this the hard way...


*puts on spiked silver armor and loads SMG with silver bullets*

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Clearly someone doesn't know that silver weakness was just widespread rumor rooting from werewolves, just to make people think they'd have to go for a special weapon to kill us.

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