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You've Got A Friend In Me



Well, today was certainly emotionally stimulating, at the risk of sounding like a Vulcan who doesn't permit himself to experience emotions. I do, it's just that today was much more of a roller coaster than usual. I shan't get into all the details, but if you could spare some prayers for a local family whose 12-year-old son was killed by a car yesterday that would be great.


Skipping over most of those details (I did see a whole roast pig for the first time in my life (Filipinos really know how to party)), to cap the day off, I went with my oldest little brother to see Toy Story 3, which was a nostalgia bomb and a tearjerker and a wonderfully scripted and humourous piece of digital filmography all in one. There were so many favorite characters, both old and new (I'm looking at you, Ken.), and favorite moments that I shan't list them all. A movie hasn't affected me that much in ages, if ever. Just seeing those familiar characters after years of absence struck a chord within me, and I got emotionally involved overall, a bit misty-eyed at points, and outright cried near the end.


I'm sure previous events conspired to make me more emotionally volatile than usual, but it was still a bloody great film. Dare I say better than Up and possibly even Wall-E? Well, nostalgia was a powerful factor here, but still. It was a movie about endings and beginnings, and the bit about Andy going off to college especially resonated with me. Here are a couple of quotes from others with whom I wholeheartedly agree:

“I loved the fact that Pixar didn't ignore those of us who were the target audience back when the original Toy Story was released. It was awesome to realize that the story grew up along with me.”

“The thing that I appreciated the most about the film is that, while it certainly was a kids film and was made as such, Pixar didn't ignore the fact the probably the next largest - if not the largest - group of people going to see the movie would be 20-somethings who grew up on it and saw the original in theatres as well. The tone was perfect, and the struggles and issues that the toys had to deal with, not to mention the overall theme of growing up, were just so powerful.”

So, go see Toy Story 3. And when you're done, go play with your toys. And I don't mean something like a video game or an iPad app, I mean something that requires you to use your imagination. Those are toys. Do yourself and them a favor.


(Also, why does absolutely everyone and their mother want to know when I'm leaving for college? It's like there's some vast conspiracy to get rid of me, and my parents' responses to this question aren't helping mental matters any.)


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They're planning to attack while you're in transit. If they get the wrong date, things do downhill from there.


I still haven't seen the full movie yet... although I got to see a big preview a month back in school, and it looked really good back then...



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So, go see Toy Story 3. And when you're done, go play with your toys. And I don't mean something like a video game or an iPad app, I mean something that requires you to use your imagination. Those are toys. Do yourself and them a favor.

Good thing you're on a LEGO forum...


(Also, why does absolutely everyone and their mother want to know when I'm leaving for college? It's like there's some vast conspiracy to get rid of me, and my parents' responses to this question aren't helping mental matters any.)

Hahaha! I remember saying the same thing to my parents once, even though I was happy with leaving.

They are just curious as to when that big day is that you set off into the world no longer overpowered by parents and are allowed to do what you want (well, more). It is exciting.


I'm glad TS3 is getting good reviews. (I'm still looking forward to Despicable Me more, though.)



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That's exactly how I felt about TS3, too (though I kept the tears a bay, just barely). I know that all the lil'uns going to see it who weren't even born when the first two came out missed 80% of the emotion and jokes.

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