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Best. Quote. Ever.



Okay, let´s face it, guys. I have some hopefully good arguments to prove that while we all love BIONICLE, HF will probably sell better.


Take e.g. Bulk and compare him to a BIONICLE Stars set. Now, which set do you think a kid liking action figures is more likely to choose? The HF heroes are aesthetically much better than the Stars and than many past BIONICLE sets if not most (cool armor/supersonic plasma sphere launching weapons etc.), and even though I love a lot of BIONICLE´s mask and helmet designs, you can´t deny a kid will love the expression Furno and Stormer have.


Is a kid more likely to take a Hero with a nice glowing H on the torso, a being of unparallel power, or a Toa, whatever that may be, fighting Makuta´s hordes of evil. A kid would think "what?" with the latter while the other one is nice and simple, just as the story is. The story also leaves more room for imagination, which is what LEGO is about, since kids are not bound to play the official story but are encouraged to make stories of their own.


The story is much more easy to understand. When I bought the first BIONICLE sets, I thought the Toa were bad guys terrorizing the little good guys. I doubt that is going to happen here, considering how the good guys and how the bad guys look.


The Heroes with their humanoid shape compared to the bad guys and with their personalities are characters kids can identify with, while the bad guys merely serve the purpose of having someone to battle and kids would never identify themselves with those monsters. :P No doubt the Heroes are going to sell better than the bad guys, though.


A futuristic city inhabited by robots with an architectonic masterpiece where Heroes are built in a tower sounds slightly more exciting than a tropical island. I admit, though, that to those who prefer it misterious the latter does sound more exciting.


Kids are much more likely to watch a TV series (that´s right, as far as I am concerned, animated by the same people who did TLR) than a movie.


The kind of modular build of the Heroes makes it possible even for unexperienced builders to combine the Heroes´ pieces and create completely new colour schemes. They can even take BIONICLE helmets and differently coloured Glatorian hands, and perhaps some Av-Matoran limbs instead of the HF ones.



Don´t get me wrong, I love BIONICLE and always will, but I do believe HERO FACTORY has huge potential which is even greater than the one BIONICLE had. ;)


~Gata. ;)



Just pointing this out, but that's exactly Lego's will. They took the years of experience they gained from Bionicle and created a line that is for children. So it's must sell well. It's like evolving an experiment. The prototype is good (Throwbots & Roboriders) the 2.0 version is amazing (Bionicle) and the 3.0 is fantastic, brilliant (Hero Factory).

It's all marketing. And the idea is pretty good. Lego said it. They learned from Bionicle.



It's funny...I was just thinking about the same thing....As much as I don't want to say this.... Hero Factory is turning out to be better than BIONICLE(not in a story way or any other and it will never be for me) but I guess we have to face it... Its been about 2-3 days since HF is out in and many websites are full of pictures and reviews of the sets....And I guess like Redidax said HF is 3.0 ...LEGO is learning from BIONICLE,Slizers/Throwbots and Roboriders ... And Gata is right ... LEGO is aiming at the younger kids...They are making figures easy to build , cool looking and very well armored at the same time. Over the past years they just found out what kids want : A storyline made easy so they can use their imagination with these Intergalactic robot heroes who are fighting villains that are a threat on a Galactic level... Yes BIONICLE was great no doubt about it ...even now when I think back to lets say summer 2006 when I got my first Piraka or back in 2001 when I got my first Toa I can still remember how I felt then like it was just yesterday....Maybe Hero Factory can be for the little kids today like BIONICLE was for us all those years... That is if it lasts long enough ..but I think it will...And Who knows Hero Factory could be 4.0 for another even better line...or maybe even the returning BIONICLE ;) ... But as I said... Who knows ?




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