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Yet Another Bc3 Update



So here we are again: another addition to BC3.


BC3 Addition: Brawler and Caster


So what is it this time? Well, these are the first buyable classes available. Tired of Fighter, Healer, Shooter, or Defender? Then you can now switch to Brawler or Caster (or indeed any of the other Tier 1 Classes) for Widgets.


So what do these classes do that differentiate them from the basic four? First off, neither of them focus on stats; their emphasis is equally spread between all of them, except for HP. In addition, to make up for their lack of more direct power, both have a modified standard attack, with a greater chance of inflicting status effects. For the rest, let's see:


Brawler: Brawlers are Ability-focused; while most of you reading this probably already focus on Abilities for your combat strategy in BC3, Brawler is the first class that essentially demands this. None of their learned Techniques will inflict damage; instead, they will offer support to Abilities. Obviously, this is nearly opposite of the other classes, where abilities may be powerful and do deal a lot of damage, but they also have a support element, particularly in Defenders and Healers.


A summary of 'base stats' and moveset:



HP: 30

Offense: 3

Defense: 3

Speed: 3


Preemptive Strike (Moves first; deals first attack of round for weapon damage; Cooldown 3)

Aimed Strike (Ignores Defense; deals 1.5x weapon damage regardless; Cooldown 3)

Solid Block (Ignores Offense; receives only weapon damage and attack modifiers; Cooldown 3)

Retaliate (Moves last; all damage done to self and allies this round returned to a single enemy; Cooldown 5)

Status Fist (Moves last; inflicts two random elemental status effect; Cooldown 5)

Blood Cost (Passive; every Ability activation costs 5% HP, rounded down; must be at least 1 HP)


Elemental Punch (Standard Attack; 20% chance of element's status)

Breather (Reduces Cooldown for all Abilities by 2 this round; may be used w/ Punch; no Abilities may be activated in conjunction; Charge 0)


As you can see, Brawlers break many of the rules you've come to expect from BC3. A unique fighting style, but relatively simple and direct. Brawlers get to the essence of fighting, but pay for it as a result. Brawlers throw their entire being into the fight, and thus they suffer recoil from every ability they use. Breather exemplifies their techniques; as you rank up, expect to see more techniques along that vein.



Caster: Inspired by mages and the like (plus my realization that Abilities are becoming the core of BC3), Casters focus on Techniques. Thus, they're Abilities all are nearly exclusively support-based; none directly deal damage. In exchange, coupled with Charging times, Casters unleash the most powerful Techniques so far in Tier 1.


A summary of 'base stats' and moveset:



HP: 15

Offense: 3

Defense: 3

Speed: 3


Haste (1.5x Speed and Offense for 3 rounds; Cooldown 4)

Protect (1.5x Defense for 4 rounds; Cooldown 5)

Elemental Focus (Increases Charge for all Techniques by 2; Cooldown 3)

Rapid-Fire (Passive; May use three different Techniques at once)


Elemental Cast (Standard Attack; 20% chance of element's status)

Elemental Bomb (1.5x Damage, with 50% chance of a critical hit; Charge 3)

Elemental Beam (2x Damage, with 50% chance of status; Charge 3)

Elemental Flare (4x Damage with 10% chance of a critical hit; Charge 7)

Elemental Multi (3x Damage to all enemies; Charge 5)


As you can see, Casters are essentially the opposite of Brawlers; all their damage is clearly focused through Techniques. In order to make their fighting style viable, their Rapid-Fire ability allows them to have two different techniques charging at once, followed up with a Standard Attack, or even to have three different Techniques charging simultaneously. Casters focus on the pure expression of their elemental power; they have no combat moves, instead relying on elemental attacks. Relatively fragile, Casters need defensive back-up against tougher enemies, in exchange for their incredible power.


Thoughts on balancing and other issues? Bring it up in the comments!



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Those sound pretty cool. I can see both of them being very good against multiple enemies with teammates; but I can't help but notice the low HP on the Caster. Is that because of the multiple techniques?


I also can't help but think those techniques take a while to charge... I mean, outside of the normal attack, you can't attack until 3-5-8 rounds have passed; in a one-on-one fight, likely the person would've been taken out by then. =P

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On HP, more or less: Casters hit hard, but take can't take a lot of hits.


Regarding the long Charge, using Elemental Focus means all Charges increase by 3 on that round: one naturally, plus two from Focus. Although I guess a slight cut might be good for balance...

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Ah, I see now. Do stats reset on class switch, or is it more the stats listed are defaults, and other stats are added onto the base?

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Those are the defaults for the class; you keep all the stat points you've put into your character. Say you're a fighter, starting with 6 Offense, and put in 4 points for 10 total. If you switch to Brawler, you drop to 7 total, since you're starting only with 3.
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