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Night Ride Sequel -- What I've Got So Far



Hey, y'all. Well, I've got a bit of the NR sequel (unofficially titled "Day Run" for the moment) written up and decided to share it with you all. ^_^ Hopefully I'll be done by September. :)


The Day Run

“Why do we strive to be number two? Is it because we can never truly be happy with the position we have, simply because we feel as if we could do worse? Is it because, deep inside, we hunger for peace and calmness, to be hated for our true potential? I don’t know… yet life has taught me that no one, no matter how noble they make themselves out to be, will ever play unfairly if it means that they will be seen as the weakest player…”




The Toa of Air sat still as stone, his thoughts jumping from one thing to the next, unable to focus. Outside, a heavy rain poured over the island, water running off of the rafters and into the streets. As a result, the inn was almost completely full, every table loaded with workers and civilians who wished to get out of the downpour. At the moment, these very beings were being rather loud, and the radio that was blasting pointless noise at its maximum volume wasn’t helping, either. All in all, he was beginning to wonder why he was still here.

So much for a quiet place to think, he thought to himself, watching as a couple of intoxicated gladiators got into an argument on the other side of the room. But it looks like all of those rumors I heard about Stelt were true… Should of known better...


He shook his head, leaning back in his seat. In this heavy rain, it didn’t seem possible for him to get a temporary job as an arena fighter today, as the coliseum would likely be closed by now, which meant he would have to stay in this wretched place even longer. Or, if it came down to it, he could hop on the Inland Rider and head towards some other island. Irritably, he gulped down the last of his drink, pushing himself up and planning on retiring for the day.


“…Hundreds of mecha and gladiatorial battles? Countless injuries with every event? Boy, this tournament has got it all, doesn’t it?”


The Toa stopped in his tracks, turning around. Had someone just said something about a tournament? How… interesting. He scanned the room, looking for the source of the conversation, eventually realizing that the words had been spoken by the being who was running the radio channel that was currently on. He slid back into his seat, leaning forward and pulling his hood off of his head as he did so, revealing his Great Mask of Sonar.


“… I tell you; folks, if the Day Run wasn’t interesting to you last year, then it ought to be this time around! All new challenges, new race tracks, new teams, new strategies – of course, those latter two will only be there if new contestants join! Luckily, I think the rest of this broadcast will be able to convince you if it hasn’t already…”


The cloaked Toa looked around, noticing that the room had gone completely silent as all attention turned to the radio. Whatever the commentator implied, the Toa honestly thought that enough people were sold by now that he wouldn’t have to speak another word.


“… Anyway, before I talk registration, I’d like to give a bit of history for the newcomers. Seven years ago, the island called Kai-Nam was deserted, wasting away to time and weather. Nobody saw a use for it, given its rather strange history (though that’s a story for another day.) That all changed when Bega proposed using the island for a new sport. After getting permission from the proper people, tweaking old structures and building new ones here and there, and then, before you knew it, the Day Run was born – and boy, was it a success! Masterfully composed of racing and gladiatorial combat, everyone was entertained, be they Vortixx, Skakdi, even the Matoran and Toa who would never compete in such a brutal game!

“But that’s enough from me – see all of this and more for yourself! Registration will begin in a week at the usual locations – Stelt, Iikol, and Xia, to name a few – and in a month, transports will be coming to pick y’all up! So if you're interested in joining, good luck getting that vehicle of yours back into shape and winning the tournament – you’re gonna need it!”


As the message came to an end, a silence filled the room, save for some music that began to play on the radio and the continued pit-pat of the rain outside. Then, in an instant, dozens of beings big and small charged for the door, all of them hoping to get their vehicles ready for the big game.

Toa Levrok simply smiled, tossing some money towards the bartender as he resumed his walk back upstairs. What did he have to worry about? The Inland Rider was, all in all, brand new, it had excellent armor, it had perfectly functional weaponry, and he knew how to use it to its fullest potential. All he had to do was register and wait…



Four weeks had passed since that day. He remembered earlier, when the ships had docked just as excitement was nearing its peak, when the gigantic hulls had appeared on the horizon, opening at the docks of Stelt so as to allow passage for the vehicles and contestants to enter. Guards had watched like eagles to ensure that all ran smoothly. And as soon as they had finished, the ships had disappeared like ghosts, the contestants eagerly waiting for the time when they would arrive…


Levrok watched the ocean pass as the ship traveled, watched Rahi fly by and ships pass near, going in the opposite direction. Through the mist, he could make out more ships like this one, all headed towards the same destination. It was an interesting sight, to say the least; though one he was getting bored of watching. He leaned back in his seat, pulling his hood back over his head, surveying the other contestants. On the other side of the room, a large, blue and purple being with tentacle-like appendages sticking out of his forearms seemed to be harassing another contestant, who refused to engage in the being’s childish play. Were Levrok fool enough, he would have believed the former to be a being he had fought a year ago, who had been killed in the deciding battle of the war for his island… But as the last fact suggested, it would be impossible for it to be him – Tevos…


Bitter memories flooded into Levrok’s mind. That island was gone now… He was not welcome to its grave…

His thoughts were interrupted when a voice blared over the intercom. All quieted down to hear what it said, even the blue and purple Cyntax.

“We will be arriving at Kai-Nam in a little under an hour,” the captain said. “All contestants should make their way to their vehicles before we arrive, and then proceed to the front office to verify that you are an entrant in the Day Run.”


Playing the Game


“We have created something rather challenging to describe. Is it evil? No. Immoral? Sure, some might say so; but what is the point of life if you are not willing to stray from the beaten path every now and then? Whatever the case, the Day Run is not designed for one side or another – we are not black or white like the Matoran and Skakdi are to each other, or how the Toa and Makuta might compare themselves. No; we are everything in between. We are gray.”

~Bega on the Day Run's moral standpoint.


Unfortunately that's all I have, but still. As you can see, Kerid and Ehjoras have handed over control of the Day Run to a mysterious being named Bega by the time this takes place, and Lyxek, I have decided, will not make an appearance -- or will he? I'll also be introducing a new species this time around, in the form of the Cyntax -- but you'll have to wait to hear more about them! Finally, Levrok (Broken Unity) and his Inland Rider (a new vehicle, which has never been seen anywhere before now) take the stage for once. Things are sure going to get interesting, wouldn't ya say? ^_^


Recommended Comments

At first I didn't notice. Then I thought you just playing off of it. Then I realized you did what you said you would! I was laughing so hard at the end. :superfunny: Ahhh, good stuff.


It's excellent, Parugi! ^_^

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What -- what are you talking about? This isn't what you think it is -- hence why I have edited your comment, so as to stop the promotion of such absurd ideas. :)


But I'm glad you like it -- I think it's one of my best pieces of work yet, even in this unfinished state. ^_^

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:lol: :superfunny: :lol:


That was even funnier!


*contains himself* Yeah, really rough state. So rough that it seems to be *train passes by*. Can't believe you'd do that.

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Wait -- all hope is not lost, for I just found one major flaw in your accusation, Kal!


You did not underline your accusation!

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