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Weekly Update - 6/25

Black Six



It is summer at long last. That means summer break for all you kids and lots of nice, warm weather. It doesn't mean a stop for the Weekly Updates either!



To start things off, recently there have been a couple instances of members' accounts being compromised and used to spread inappropriate messages. If you see the forums go offline, or receive a notice that you have a new PM that suddenly disappears, this is probably the reason. We're constantly looking for ways to improve the site, both in terms of features and security. The Administration and Staff of BZPower appreciates your patience and cooperation while we strive to make BZP a better place.


On to happier things - we got to announce a new set last weekend, the Imperial Shuttle. This looks like a very impressive set and I hope I have some room to display it if I manage to pick it up this fall.


More on the 'hey, that's not Bionicle,' front - Smeagol4 posted the first Hero Factory set review. Jimi Stringer was the perfect choice for Smeag, and I'm glad to see the overall positive reaction.


Continuing the Hero Factory trend (hint: you can expect more and more of it), the Hero Factory website launched. BZPower's very own Binkmeister did a great job, and there's a lot of interesting content up there that really expands the line, not quite to the level of Bionicle, but more than most LEGO themes.


Obviously if the website is up and we're reviewing the sets, Hero Factory is available in stores and online If you've been looking forward to these sets, for the characters or the parts, start checking your local stores.


You should also check out the LEGO Design Challenge - your LEGO creation could be featured on the cover of the LEGO Catalog. I look forward to seeing the winners' creations, whether they're from BZPower or not.


BrickFair is quickly approaching, if you're attending or want to send stuff in, be sure to check out our recent summary of BZPower's involvement. We have a couple other ideas up our sleeves that we hope to do as well.


And all hope is not lost, for there is some Bionicle news this week. A new chapter of Sahmad's Tale went up for your listening pleasure. Bionicle is not dead yet!



I have a few questions for you:

1. What do you have to say about the whining over BBC #59?

2. Which came 1st: the chicken or the egg?

3. Do you like waffles?

4. What happened to Dimensioneer?

thanks!-the tent train rolls on.

1. I think it's a bit uncalled for. The theme seems perfectly fine, and I don't see why people think it's so similar to the last one.

2. The amoeba.

3. Delicious. I had some the other day, in fact.

4. He's still around - I talk to him fairly frequently about the direction and future of BZPower.


Want to see your questions answered? PM them to me and put 'Mailbag' in the subject line. I'll pick the few I like the best and answer them in the next update.



Ok, that's all for this week; it's going to be a busy weekend for me. Have fun guys, and be sure to leave comments and feedback, as well as send in your Mailbag questions!


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For some reason, I got questions #3 and 4 mixed up, so you were talking to waffles about the direction of BZP and eating Dimensioneers.


... This isn't normal, is it?



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You should be so happy that I'm listening to nerdy music right now. Otherwise I'd be singing 'Do You Like Waffles' because that question is SO OBVIOUS.

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It is summer at long last. That means summer break for all you kids and lots of nice, warm weather.


Being a school-loving fan of dismal weather, I take offense to that XP

Not really, but still...


Re. Hero Factory, I own all six, and they are awesome. Everybody, go click the link and buy them NOW! XP

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