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Messing Around With The Rpg Again...

MT Zehvor


Yesterday I had the idea that instead of making the RPG have a bunch of new planets, that it might be better if it just took place on one planet with multiple regions, most of them underground. Obviously this would mess up the intended plot line a little, but it most likely wouldn't have much of an effect on anything mapped out so far, as we would still have our fire region, our ice region, our jungle region, etc. In edition, the maps would be made from a 2-D sidescroller perspective instead of overhead, which I, quite honestly, think would be easier to do.


But then again, staying on one planet probably isn't as cool as being on multiple. So that's why we shall vote on this. One planet or multiple planets?




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I'm not a Zehvor, but here's my two cents: you only have one topic in which to play so I think multiple planets might get too big for the confines of one topic. Maybe you could do one planet this time and if the RPG happens to get voted in again you could switch planets?

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