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Rpg Update: Multiplanets It Is...sorta..

MT Zehvor


Last time on "Messing around with the RPG"


MT: Should we use one planet with sidescroller maps or multiple planets with overhead maps?

Gorgnak: Multiple.

Eyru: Single.

TA: Multiple.

Mesonak: Single.






*ahem* Sorry for the bad intro, but yeah. I combined the ideas, and really messed with the RPG. Here's the major changes I made.


#1: Instead of everyone working together for a common goal, the people will be split into three, maybe four teams, all representing a different element. Each team will have a planet as their home base, with the planet reflecting that element.


#2: The players will have the option of controlling multiple characters, and I'll explain how that works later.


#3: The maps of the particular base will be in sidescroller 2D. However, the overview map of the planet(showing landing points) will be overhead view.


#4: The powerups will rear their ugly heads...again...


Anyways, here's how this is basically going to work. The people will get divided into teams. Each team will have a very large base or multiple smaller bases. The opposing teams will try to invade that base and get to the other team's captain, and vice versa. But, due to the invading teams not having the elemental resistances that the other teams have, they won't be able to enter all of the base(s) at one time. So, for example, a team might not be able to completely explore all of the fire base until they find some way to survive lava. Or the water base until they find a way to breath underwater. So there'll be some powerups to help out along the way, as well as map stations to give people some idea of where they're going.


With that said, I leave you with a prototype map of the upper part of the fire base.




What I need now is your feedback. Am I taking this in the right direction, or not?





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Here's some species.


The Grix: Large earth giants. They have no elemental powers, but have great endurance and strength, as well as an Anteaus-like ability to almost always get back up. the use pistols and cannons as weapons.


The Xan: Black fire Giants, cousins of the Grix. They can use elemental powers, but are weaker than the Grix. They use swords and rifles. they are also an aggressive species.


More coming soon.

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Wow, you work quick. I'm liking these for the underground/lava world of Valderra.


Anyways, you can pretty much scratch the last blog entry. Doing it with multiple teams is WAAAAAYYYYYY too complicated for me. I'll just hope that like 20 people don't sign up.



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Explain my post? Sure thing.


My new idea was to have the RPG being multiple teams fighting against each other, but I realized that that just wasn't going to work out. So we're switching back to the original idea of one team going to the different planets to figure out why contact with the Terna, one of their allies, has suddenly been lost.



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