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Rpg Enemy List

MT Zehvor


So far, here's what we've got for enemies.


Grix: Large earth giants. They have no elemental powers, but have great endurance and strength, as well as an Anteaus-like ability to almost always get back up. the use pistols and cannons as weapons.


Xan: Black fire Giants, cousins of the Grix. They can use elemental powers, but are weaker than the Grix. They use swords and rifles. they are also an aggressive species.


Terna Scouts: Xenon infused alien species. Lightly armored, but pack a punch.


Terna Soldiers: Heavily armored, dish out lots of damage easily.


Heartless Minions: Minions of the Deavum Omega boss, Heartless(blame MoC for the bad name). Shatter easily, but come in lots of numbers.


Gamma Turtles: Getting close to the fine line between regular enemy and mini boss. Gammas are strong and durable, but also move slowly and make for easy targets.


Delta Turtles: Much quicker than their Gamma cousins, Delta Turtles can't take the beating that Gammas can, but they are much, much harder to hit.


Mesonaks: (Just...don't ask) Mesonaks are...well...Mesonaks. You can probably fend one off with a Coheed and Cambria Album.


Xenon Terna Scouts: Have a tendency to sneak up from behind and alert a group of Xenon Terna Soldiers down the road. Killing one isn't all that difficult. It's finding them in the first place that's hard.


Xenon Terna Soldiers: Usually herd together in packs. Incredibly durable to kill, unless a weak point is found.


Alpha Turtles: Not good news. Hard to kill.


Alpha Epislon Turtles: Even worse news.


Omega Turtles: Screw it. Just run.


(Feel free to add your enemies here)




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Frey: ice aleins. They have a blue facial crystal that sends out an energy field that attracts ice and snow, forming their body. They are incredible hard to kill, because their bodies regenerate.

PS: I'm coming with Pirate stuff now.

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Coheed and Cambria albums will just make me stronger


give me thicker armor aswell




good enemies so far


lol@Omega Turtle's description



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... With my eyes closed and my hands tied behind my back!

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Let's see what I can come up with.


Waun ("Wind Demons")-Beings that are also incredibly hard to kill because they are made up of the air itself (They do, however have a solid physical form but because they can go from solid to intangible in a flash, one has only a few seconds (or even milliseconds) to hit one). Have complete control over the element of Air and can cause a Toa of Air's Elemental Powers to go haywire. Can create gusts of wind or vacuums and can merge together to for form one huge Waun, a hurricane, or even a giant windstorm.


-Zehvor Brenmac :)

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Stone Guardian: Based on the Gargoyles found in classic mythology. Appear as Glatorian with claws and wings, and as statues. Often live on high building tops. Prey upon the flesh of all beings even partially organic, though they prefer the fleshies, such as Glatorian and Agori. Able to transform between the state of being mostly organic and metal to solid stone at a whim, and invulnerable to all harm in stone form. Hit and run tactics. One can be taken by a smart group, but when flocks of six or so attack you, run to the Omega Turtle!


Mad Ones: Based on Medusa foudn in classic mythology. Appear as serpents from the waist down, but everything else appears as a female toa of water from their on. Usually a bluish color, but occasionally green. Wield bow and arrows, carrying 36 usually. Incredibly tough. Can transform a being into stone, and thus commonly found with Stone Guardians. The attack is when gazes are fixed on each other. Their saliva is caustic, and they tip their arrows with it. One alone is extremely powerful, but when you get into small covens, you're dead.


Elemental Spirits: Released from their home domain by some fool trying to pull them in, Elemental Spirits live in regions closely attuned to their elements. Only a weapon infused with elemental energy can harm them, but once you have it, they can easily be beat. Normally stand about 10 feet tall and carry no weapons. Found in almost any variety.


Antidermis Remnants: Some of the antidermis of different makuta, when leaked out from the Matoran Universe, can fuse with certain beings, granting them the 42+ makuta powers. However, rather than the wit of Makuta, they go completely mad, and attack any they come across. Only those from the Matoran Universe can be found possessed by this. The Antidermis Remanant dies when the being dies.


Hoti Bug: Like a Hoto Bug. Only it's a Hoti Bug.


-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

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Great Stalker: Huge arachnid monsters that are impervious to all harm on their back due to a thick armored shell and always keep their abdomen to the ground. When they raise the abdomen up to launch out a stream of caustic acid, a favored power of theirs (as they are extremely intelligent), the weaker bottom area is exposed, in which a person could cut in and break the acidic barrier. Their acid is also their weakness, as once it leaks out, it will rupture inside and kill them brutally.


Zeta Turtle: These creatures are the weakest form of turtle found, and extremely small, barely as large as an Agori. They are not nearly as fast, but possess a weak stomach acid they can burst out in globs.


Theta Turtle: Like the Zeta Turtle, these are much weaker, but they are close to a Gamma Turtle in size. They have the same "spewing" ability, able to blast out direct beams of armor eating stomach acid. However, they rarely do this, as it takes a long time to regain the acid. To regulate this, they prefer small globs of acid.


Sigma Turtle: The Sigma Turtle is stronger than a Gamma or Delta Turtle, combing the speed of the second and the toughness of the first. They are often the quickest thinking, and able to resist most psionic attacks (as if anyone uses psionics! bah). They are weaker against piercing attacks than a normal turtle, but blunt force does very little against these titans.


Beta Turtle: Between the Sigma and Epsilon Turtles, the Beta Turtle possess' an odd trait for a turtle: elemental powers. These turtles possess the ability to creature large sonic bursts from their maw, and are extremely quick on the foot. Coming up against one, preparations must be certain.


Epsilon Turtle: Slightly weaker than the Alpha Turtle, Epsilon Turtles are much weaker on the shell, but are completely immune to elemental attacks. Physical slashes are the way to go, as blunt force does little harm and piercing is often uneffective.


The Dark Forgotten: Once these creatures used the power of Xenon to fuel a large empire on Spherus Magna long before the Core Wars. However, when the Great Beings arrived, they destroyed the creatures and their titanic, powerful masters. The remaining Dark Forgotten fled, their leader caste wiped out, and lived in the bowels of the planet. When the shattering occured, the entire race was trapped deep under Aqua Magna, unable to escape due to the water above. For 100,000 years they evolved in darkness, living off the underground. When the planet was refused, the Dark Forgotten began to look out from tunnels, blidned by the light.


These creatures are extremely smart, agile, and strong. One of them is much more powerful than the average being, though the players are usually a match. They come in five castes: warrior, archer, darkwielder, elementalist, and beastmaster. Warriors wield two swords coated in poison most of the time. Archers likewise emply poison, tipping the bolts of their crossbows. Darkwielders use the elemental power of shadow, and have ways to solidify it into a material form to heal their allies. Elementalists wield small amounts of fire, ice, lightning, and earth. Beastmasters have the control over ferocious underground beasts.


Appearing as glatorian, only much slimmter, slightly shorter, and with ebon armor and skin, these beings have red eyes allowing perfect night vision and hungrily hunt after Xenon. They often are found only on Spherus Magna in caves, coming out at night in raiding parties, but a number who have managed to get used to the sun have highjacked the ships found and roam space as hunters. They are impartial to the toa and matoran, but hate agori and glatorian with a passion, and often clash with Terna for Xenon. In space battles, the Terna often wind, but on land, death falls like a shadow for all of this groups enemies.


-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

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Wow. Thanks guys. That was some epic response.


I dunno if we'll be able to use all these creatures in game though..



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Terna Archer: Using powerful energy crossbows, these beings can shoot only once or twice a minute, but one shot is almost guarnteed death from these expert marksmen and their powerful weapons.


Terna Blademaster: Unlike others, Terna Blademasters use powerful melee weapons rather than guns, and are much more deadly than most toa or glatorian are. Very rare. Have elemental powers, unlike others, and thusly called "Elemental Blademasters"


Terna Captain: Extremely large for Terna, and implanted with multiple defensive shields, these Terna are more powerful than any of their fellows. Extremely hard to damage and deliverng devestating attacks, but the heavy artillery they carry is rarely useful.


Terna Engineer/Pilot: The smartest and fastest of the Terna, but not extremely large or good with weapons. Are normally... well, engineers or pilots.


Terna Warlord: Leading huge fleets, Terna Warlords are the biggest and strongest, much stronger than Toa, in addition to defensive implements and the Terna technolgy. The only thing that can make you run at this is an Omega Turtle.




Chi Turtle: These turtles are extremely fast, faster than even the Delta Turtle by many times. They are perpectually in motion, and thus require large spaces. They are relatively non hostile, but if they run into someone, they get upset very easily. The best way to beat one is a game of chicken with a polearm weapon. Otherwise, you have no chance, as shorter weapons will kill it and you. Much smaller than the Delta Turtle, yet larger than the Theta turtle.


Psi Turtle: These turtles are Psionic fighters, using Psionic mind blasts to stun foes. About the size of Delta Turtles, but much slower, and much less armored. A few good shots will kill one, but they keep out psionics mind shields. The only way to get one to lower it is by attacking from behind, where they cannot hold the shield.


Phi Turtle: These turtles are like Omega Turtles in many ways, but rather than Xenon infusion, they are infused with Energized Protodermis. Due to the fact EP kills more often than it mutates, these are (thankfully) rare. Having silver armor and almost impervious to harm, they only have one weakness. When fighting one, they will raise up to roar a huge burst of lethal energized protodermis (which they control the effects of) and sonic energy. This takes about five seconds, giving a small window for a blunt attack on the raised and weaker chest, stunning the creature and causing it to transform into a normal Alpha Turtle for about five minutes until it can regenerate its silvery sheen. They transform into a puddle of normal liquid protodermis on death, leaving behind the top of their shell, which can make great armoring.


Kappa Turtle: These turtles are living bulwarks. Their armor is impenetrable to anything, physical and elemental, due to heavy shells. They are extremely strong, but lack the ability to move their arms and neck fast, and are incredibly slow at the turn, despite being able to leap high and run far. To make up for it, they slam their fists into the ground, sending out energy shockwaves. When they are done with one of these, they often release a large sonic roar, extending their neck and revealing the soft skin on it. A thrusting attack into this location will then kill the creature.


-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

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