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Left Handedness



Left Handedness


There are many people who are left-handed. All of them are awesome. Here is a list of those I have deemed awesome. :P


These are my personal favorites:


~From Movies~

* Neo from The Matrix.

* Ralphie from A Christmas Story.

* King Théoden from The Lord of the Rings.

* Darth Vader from Star Wars is left-handed along with fellow Sith Lord, Darth Maul.


* A large number of characters from Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children: Kadaj, Loz, and Yazoo as original characters to the movie, as well as Sephiroth, Reno, Cid, and Tifa, who return from the game, where they were also left-handed. The connection that Kadaj, Loz, and Yazoo all share with Sephiroth gives them all Sephiroth-esque appearances, so it is only natural that they all share his sword-arm as well.


~From TV~

* Some characters from The Simpsons: Bart Simpson, Montgomery Burns, Ned Flanders, Moe Szyslak, Martin Prince, Nelson Muntz, including Lisa Simpson and Krusty the Clown.

* Haruhara Haruko from FLCL.

* Peter Griffin, Chris Griffin, and Stewie Griffin from Family Guy. In fact, most of the characters have a tendency to switch from right-handed to left-handed between episodes.

* Naruto Uzumaki and Sasuke Uchiha from Naruto.

* Edward Elric and Alphonse Elric from Fullmetal Alchemist.

* Uryū Ishida from BLEACH.

* Millions Knives from Trigun.

* Don Flack, CSI: NY. Played by Eddie Cahill. He writes on his notepad with his left hand. But would hold his gun with his right hand.

* Ryan Wolfe, CSI: Miami. Played by Jonathan Togo. Would hold his gun with his left hand.


~From Video Games~

* Link from Nintendo's The Legend of Zelda series. However, he is right-handed in the Wii version of The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess in order to take advantage of the Wii Remote. He is one of the main creations of Shigeru Miyamoto, who is ambidextrous and prefers his left hand, and has intentionally created many of his characters to be.

* Bowser Jr. from various Mario games. Additionally, The Adventures of Super Mario Bros. 3 has portrayed Ludwig, Lemmy and Wendy Koopa as left-handers.

* Although Mario plays sports games right-handed by default, these games also usually have the option to choose to switch to left-handed, a rare detail in video games. Also, in New Super Mario Bros, Mario and Luigi throw fireballs with their left hand. Additionally; Waluigi, Bowser Jr., Shy Guy, Dry Bones, Boo, and Petey Piranha from Mario Superstar Baseball all throw lefty as their default setting. However, in the opening movie from Mario Power Tennis, Waluigi scribbles with his right hand.

* Kain Highwind and Palom from Final Fantasy IV.

Sephiroth, Reno, Cid and Tifa from Squaresoft's Final Fantasy VII are left handed, as seen also in Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children. In Cid's case, he may have taken this trait from the character Kain Highwind of Final Fantasy IV, from whom he takes many other traits as well. Additionally, Barret only has a left hand, as his right was destroyed and replaced with a gun-arm.

* Donkey Kong - In Super Smash Bros. Melee, Donkey Kong uses his left hand to punch/charge-up punch.

* Nana and Popo, the Ice Climbers, as seen in Super Smash Bros. Melee.

* Yoshi has been seen throwing with left hand in Super Smash Bros.

* Pit, as seen in Super Smash Bros. Brawl, shoots his bow left-handed style, and uses the golden rings on his left arm to power up his shots.

* Samus Aran from Metroid might be, but she's most likely ambidextrous since she use her right hand to aim and shoot her arm cannon and pistol in her Zero Suit and learned to use her left hand because her right is not accessible in her Power Suit.


~From Books~

* Roland Deschain, a gunslinger from Stephen King's The Dark Tower books was forced to become left handed in The Dark Tower II: The Drawing of the Three after a monster known as a lobstrosity bit off most of his fingers on his right hand. Throughout the rest of the series Roland was forced to use his left hand on most things he did regularly with his right.

* Lord Voldemort (Tom Riddle) from the Harry Potter series. Additionally, he marks all of his followers with a special tattoo (the Dark Mark) on their left arm, possibly related to the fact that this is his wand arm.


There are many other real famous people but the list is too long. Most of them are awesome too. I just didn't feel like listing them because there are too many.


And most important of all, Kohaku, as in me! :P




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Left handed is awesome, I was left handed in kindergarten but my teacher thought I was a freak. so now I can write with my right hand.


I am ambidextrous, big word...why can't they say, twin handed or something?...I can even play badmiton with both hands,

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It's been said that people with natural ambidextrosity (even-handedness) are prone to lives of crime, simply because their brains are unstable, without one side dominating the other.


-KIE, who is right-handed, and dreams of batting switch

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:o Awesome list. Link is left-handed, yes. Most of Nintendo's star players are left-handed because Shigeru Miyamoto himself is left-handed.

Kudos for being completely ambidextrous, Kohaku. I have always envied left-handers. Did you know that the left hand is controlled by the right side of the brain, which is the visual side? Therefore, it's easier for left handers to learn to draw, unless they know already. When you cut the nerves linking both sides of your brain together, you can write and do math with only your right hand. But, you can draw and complete other visual tasks (as long as it's random and creative) with only your left hand. That's how some people with mental and brain-connection problems are cured. That whole process really awes me.


Anyway. Fact of the day. *eats cookie* I am ambidextrous in everything except writing, if you wanna know. If I want to write nicely with my left hand, I have to write backwards. I'm really glad that, on video game controllers, you move your character with the left hand.

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I'm not completely ambidextrous, I can still only write with my left hand. I still prefer to do most things with my left hand, but I can do most with my right hand if I need to.


I suppose I should have clarified that more... oh well.



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I'm mainly left handed, but here's some vaguely interesting facts:


I build Lego models with both hands.

I use a computer mouse in my right hand.

I use my graphics tablet in my left hand.

I use the Wii controller in my right hand.

I can use my laptop's touchpad with both hands.


Maybe I'm just odd? :D



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I build Lego models with both hands.

I use a computer mouse in my right hand.

I think everyone is like that, actually. :P


My brother might be... ...twin-handed... He rights with his right but holds a hockey stick like a left-handed player.


EDIT: LOL, can you spot the easy to spot error I made?^ :P

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