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Lost In The City



Well, hey, I haven't been here for a bit. Stupid Civics, with all your branches and judicial junk.... >< I was going to stop by yesterday, but I wasn't home half the day. :rolleyes:


...Oh... a reason... that's right, a reason. Uh... let's see, where did I put... aha!


*clears thoat*


My mother took me and my sister to Easton, about 5-10 minutes drive from Columbus and about a 40 minute drive from our place. Easton is best known for its shopping center.


I no longer ponder why this is. The place is HUGE, almost big enough to be a town all its own. There's tons of stores that everybody knows, tons that I'd never even seen before, a two-story McDonalds and a Multi-Screen AMC Theatre. Lots of the well-known stores were, like, twice as big than their normal counterparts. (The Barnes&Noble has almost 3 levels, for crying out loud.)


Well, yeah, I kinda got lost. Twice. And it stunk, cause it was wet and cold and rainy when I got lost. And my umbrella kinda wasn't helping me. ;.; I can't help it. I'm a terrible remember-my-directions person. I got lost while walking my dog in my own development for almost 3 hours, just cause I took a right instead of a left.


Yeah. I'm THAT bad...


Ah, well. I got some neat stuff. Neatest of which is Bionicle Legends #6: City of The Lost. Awesome book. Cliffhanger ending. Gotta love it. ^^ (I dunno if the spoiler warning for this book are off or not... I'm not sure...)


So, yeah, that's where I've been. I'll probably be away next week, as I have exams to study for. That includes Civics.


See me jump for joy. <_<




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O.O What state would that shopping center be located in? A three-story B&N is something I simply MUST see.


Anyways, no, spoilers aren't allowed yet. But man, that cliffhanger was almost as major as Fellowship of the Ring or Dead Man's Chest. I didn't even know I was done till I turned the page and saw a Bionicle Heroes ad instead of more story. :P I was like, "Dude, where's the ending?"


Also, that book brought back my childhood fear of sharks in near full force, after that one scene with Sarda.

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Y'know, that's kinda funny, cause yesterday evening, I went out and I got BL6! I got it from a Borders, though. 3 story B&N, huh? Nice. B)

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I'm pretty good with directions. When I lived in Boston, I purposely get myself lost so I can find my way back. A good way to know your area. And then there was that one time when I went to a party in Allston at like midnight, and I needed to get back to my destination in Boston, but I had no ride, and not enough for a taxi. So I walked. :P


I had no idea where I was or where I was going, until I found the T-line (train), and followed it to the road that I knew was familiar. I walked through 4 towns total (Allston, Brighton, Brookline, Boston) that night, at 3 am. :P


And then there is Hong Kong. I was hanging with a chick, and as we were walking, I was the navigator. She said that I sure knew my way around very well, and it was only my 3rd day there. :P



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Like you Nikira I can get lost horribly.


Like that incident in the woods, got lost for over a day....Had the whole town looking for me.....Then the army came, and it was on the news, oh it was terrible!


:fear: I try not to remember that.


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