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Yaknow What Irks Me

Nuju Metru


I hate how unoriginal I am in my writing. Everything in there is practically a copy of something else... There are too many blatant Tolkien steals in my book to count on my fingers. Lousy self. <_<


-Nuju Metru


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You do know I told you that at the beginning, right? =P


But hey, I know how you feel. And it's not completely true, either. Not only are there only some similarities, but also it's really only with this one piece of work -- everything else you've written seems quite original. Just keep at it.



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Tolkien worked for years and years. Took him thirty years to write the trilogy, and he was a old guy then. You are only 15 right now. Of course your first works are going to be bad.


Just keep practicing, having fun with writing, and you'll get better. I doubt you're that unoriginal. Tolkien virtually created that genre for the modern world, so it's hard not to mention him when reading 'similar' stuff.

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Clearly you've never read The Sword of Shannara, by Terry Brooks. It's an unapologetic rip-off of LotR (although, J.R.R. never came up with a theif that had a pike for an arm ...) that puts all others to shame. :P


And hey, there's always the saying "Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery." =)



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