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As of now, I've eleven MOCs for Brickfair this year. And four of them are new this year! That's a net gain of three from last year, since one of the ones I had last year is gone forever (Glatorian centaur), but it's also another plus one because I forgot the little robot last year, and I've moved him to a place where I won't forget this year. Though I need to find some more pneumatic T's before I set up at Brickfair, because I've had to borrow his four for Hahli.


I'm hoping to have at least one more, maybe a few more if I can get myself motivated to build some more stuff in the next two weeks (as Ray and I are heading out two weeks from tomorrow). Maybe a Janus Mach IV. Or something less intimidating than a TransforMOC. And maybe something very not humanoid, as my MOCs are 7-8/11 humanoid so far. And maybe something with some real colour, as four of them are white, three are grey/silver, and except for Hahli, the rest all use grey as a major secondary colour.


I need to branch out with my colouring more.


Though it's weird that I don't have anything red to take, at least not right now. Outside of white, red is my most prominent building colour.


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Dude, I could prolly lend you some of those T bars if it comes down to it. I have a ton.

That would be delightful. I thought I had more of them, but I can't find any more, so it seems I was wrong. Though doing a rough count of what I have together right now, I guess I'm using somewhere around 40 of them right now, so maybe that is all of them? Hmm.

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I just got 150 for half price (came to about 7 bucks, which is crazy). They are expensive. Just let me know how many you'd need to borrow, and I'll be sure to bring them (or ship them out to you early, whichever one)

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