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Premier Perkssssss!




And this time, I'm not like, going to Toronto in the middle of it. I'm sticking around for the week. Although, this is some pretty interesting timing, because I will be going to camp starting this Sunday. My first sleepaway camp! :o Haha, not missing out this year. 8D


Okay, so I went to the mall yesterday with some friends, but not in the stereotypical "OMG LIEK LETS GO 2 THE MALL GURLFRIENDZZZZ" way, more like, "Hey Jay, wanna come to the mall with us? WE CAN GET SMOOTHIES! :D" kind of way.

So at the mall last night, me, Tehuki, my friend (who I will call Fleepo) and his friend (who I will call Tree Stump) went to Hot Topic first (for the lulz), then we went to Spencer's Gifts (shudder), then we went to go get gelato (yaaaaay) then we went to the Apple Store (It took WAY TOO LONG to drag Tehuki and Tree Stump out of there), then we went to GameStop (The GameStop in our mall is kind of dinky... :/), then we went to the new section of the mall (which is where all the rich people go) and tried to find a new hat for Fleepo (since one of his friends threw his Gurrenn Lagann beanie out the window. D;). So there was this store called Metropark or whatever, and Fleepo did find a hat he liked, but OH WOE IT COST HIM $30 WHICH HE DIDN'T HAVE.

Waitasecond? 30 bucks for a hat? ...I could buy myself a whole new outfit with that kind of money. o_o And the lady who worked there was hitting on Feelpo. It was hilarious once she found out he was still in high school. XD

So after that we went to Sears to find a cheaper hat but ended up goofing off in the sunglasses department. So we went to the food court and I bought my parents' dinner and saw my friend MyMy~ It's been so long since I last saw her. X3


So yeah, that's FI's trip to the mall.

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I haveth five things to sayeth....


1. I was liketh "Woahs!!!!....the specialishethness week musteth be here." when I saw a message that there was an entry in this blogeth. I always forget that I'm still subscribed to some blogs that the people aren't even premier. :P

Which means that I get notifications like...yearly lol


2. My brother's one of those cool people who'll spend what you could get like a whole set of clothes for just to get like a pair of shoes or some kinda beanie....like going to Kohls or our mall's Zumies store just to get some hat you could probably find one almost just like it for like 10 bucks at Wal-mart.... :P


3. Our Gamestop is the same...it's the curse of the malls. :P


4. Fruit Cake* :P


5. :P


-Jordboy1 :miru:

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