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Grim Adventures Of Billy And Mandy...



One of the funniest dark-themed cartoons out there. Chock full of morose humor, homages to fiction (such as the episode Something stupid this way comes being a Ray Bradbury homage or The Prank Call of Cthulhu being a homage to the Cthulhu Mythos), and double entendres. One of the funniest cartoons I've ever seen, I wish it would come out on a season DVD... A number of quotes:

Grim: And what are you supposed to be?

Mandy: I'm a ruthless high-prized executive attorney.

Grim: Then what's with the claws?

Mandy: They're for rending human flesh.


Hoss Delgado: He is raising an unholy army of singing dinosaurs!


Grim: Man's loneliness is only his fear of life.


Gladys: Honey, we can't keep the dog. It's a filthy disease carrier and smells like garbage.

Billy: But I smell like garbage and you keep me!


Sir Raven: And thus our story ends. If you've been paying any attention, it's because you're a nerd with nothing better to do.


Billy: Clowns are nothing but ultimate evil! They wanna be the dominant species on the planet, and they'll destroy us all to make it happen! DESTROY US ALL! DESTROY US ALL! DESTROY US ALL! DESTROY US ALL!...


Grim: See Mandy, all we had to do was shake him and yell. It's an answer to everything!


Mandy: Billy, Rollington Academy is for...

Billy: Geniuses! Which I is one of am!


Gladys: For heaven's sake Harold! What the heck is a giant anaconda doing in my kitchen?!

Harold: Pretty much whatever it wants, I'm thinking.




Aaaaand... That's all.


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ha ha funniest show ever did you now that grims bro is a piordie of jack skellington and that gave one mans idea to make grims tales (a fan comic about grim advers and nightmare) see grim and mandy had kids and well you probily know

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GMan reads Grim Tales, Tako.............Considering the site has forums, though, I think it best not be discussed here..........


Sir Raven is probably my favorite secondary character in the series........We really need to see more of him............

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I like that scene from Chickenball Z:

Mandy: Billy, you look like a nerd.

Billy: When I left you, I was but a nerd. Now, I am the master.

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