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Ramblings The Fifth: I Need A Life

~Sol de Medianoche~




*Calms down and realizes that most of her BZP friends probably have no idea what she's talking about.*


Ahem. So yeah, I've been playing a lot of Final Fantasy VII lately, and I'm just this close to beating the game. However. I died during the second-to-last (I think) boss battle.


"But Midnight," you say, (or Mazo, if you're Alex, or Catlin, if you're ToA, or just Shot by a PHYSICIST! if you don't know me, in which case I must ask, why are you bothering to read some stranger's blog?) "You can just reload your game and try again, can't you?"


Short answer, yes.


Longer answer, yes, I could BUT FFVII is one of those games. You know, the kind where you don't have the option to save wherever you want to, but you only get to save your progress at certain checkpoints.


You see where I'm going with this, right?


Yeah, it could be a lot worse. I freely admit that. But it'll probably take me 5-10 minutes to get to the point I was at pre-death, AND YOU DON'T GET THE OPTION TO SAVE RIGHT BEFORE THE FIGHT. So chances are that I'll end up dying several more times, and have to keep walking around in a semi-maze for 10 minutes and then watching the same cutscene over and over again every. single. time. Also, after dying, I lost a lot of treasure, so now I have to either skip it (fat chance) or eat up even more time getting it all back. ._.


Oh well. At least I don't have to worry about school for four more weeks. Meaning that I can devote even more time to frustrating myself with this game. :D


(Seriously though, it's a pretty fun game. Mostly. :P)




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I quite like VII. =D Don't have any of the other FF games to compare it to though. We only have this one because it came very cheap along with the gaming platform it's run on at a garage sale.


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