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Losing For A Reason



Well, I'm back. I was gone at camp for 4 days. End result? My legs hurt, my thighs are in pain, and I'm limping and can't run if I had to. I'm also happy and was glad I was there. :D


So yeah, biggest reason I am in pain? I was like fastest camper there. Thus, I was sentenced to be the suicide sprinter, information reaper, receiver, and just the get-over-there-right-NOW kinda guy. But it was worth it. Best part was Mission: Impossible. M:I is a game in which Rick was on top of a small tower in the middle of an orchard. Normally, the rules are: Take a note, go run through the trees and make it under the tower, get your note signed and walk back, and avoid the spotlight. Oh, did I mention the spotlight? The 1 million candle power spotlight? The one that if it shines on you, it's like looking into the sun? Yeah, if you get hit by the light, you're tagged out and you have the give over your note to a note retriever. Then you went back to the edge of the orchard and got another note, and tried again.


Note how I said 'Normally'.


(Slight sidetrack which will lead back to the Mission Impossible thing, don't worry) Well, one of the speakers talked about religious stuff that I cannot utter on this site, but one thing was pruning things out of your life that aren't helping. So, on the debrief, our counselor said that something our whole cabin should prune was competitiveness. He was frustrated when we didn't do well, which didn't make for a good, fun atmosphere. So, we decided that we wouldn't be competitive. Get this, not only that, but that we'd use our competitiveness toward helping someone else. So, we're currently sitting 3rd out of 4 in the standings. So we decide to help team Fruit Clusters, who was in 4th, to win in Mission Impossible. How can you do that, you ask? It's simple. Be a runner. That means, you grab a note and you run out til you find a cluster of girls from Fruit Clusters. You ask them when they need a runner, and when they say to go, you run out in full view, yelling and drawing attention. The spotlight will flash to you, and you get caught. But, you just advanced 3+ girls.


Final stats of M:I:

I got spotted 18 times in 10 minutes.

I made it under the tower once, freak luck chance as I drew the light near the tower.

Our team tied for last, with a total of 16 notes.

Fruit Clusters got 2nd place with 26 notes.

Gleaners got 1st with 28 notes.


So yeah, that's just one of the countless adventures I had in the 4 days of Camp.


Ohey, check that out:



Thanks B)





Recommended Comments

Glad you had a great time at camp. Thanks for helping the other team out; shows good character. Glad you had a good time, and am glad you're home! :biggrin:



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That game was awesome. You totally did an awesome job. I only went out five or six times. One time I accidentally dropped my ticket. By the way, your blog is awesome.

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It's awesome you're back.


On a COMPLETELY unrelated note, I just came up with a reaper that could eat Evo for afternoon taco chips.

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