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Ramblings The Eighth, In Which We Explore The Joys Of Fandom

~Sol de Medianoche~


What happens when a bunch of nerdy fans with too much time on their hands get together to theorize and wildly speculate on their favorite series? This completely random crazy awesomeness!


(Disclaimer: None of these particular whacked-out ideas are my own.)


Theory: Mara Jade Skywalker is the preincarnation of Mary Jane Watson

Just because the names sound so similar. Mary Jane, Mara Jade. Plus if Mary Jane ever marries Spiderman she'll be Mary Jane Parker which sounds pretty close to Mara Jade Skywalker.


* Mara has a redheaded child, she wins.

* Considering Luke and Peter have a lot of the same idea as to what to do with Great Power, and what NOT to have it do to you? (I'm ignoring that REALLY dumb "deal with the Devil" arc, like many other fen)

* And after that, Mara/Mary became Ginny Weasley.

* Since Ginny and Mary Jane are both more or less modern, this would be a double incarnation, or a reincarnation that occurs beyond the forward progression of time.

Theory: Han Solo is a 400+ year old Indiana Jones.


* FACT: Person in Indiana Jones' suit is actually seen on Tatooine, in Episode I, watching Pod-racing.

* Jossed by the Expanded Universe novel The Paradise Snare, which deals with Han's youth, among many other things. Of course, it is possible that Indiana Jones was somehow de-aged to the state of a child and his memories wiped (and Han does lack childhood memories)... but that, arguably, would make them two different personalities that kinda-sorta shared the same body.

* Too bad. It certainly would explain how he can get out of all those situations that no one could survive.

* Unless he's a Time Lord.


Theory: Hobbes is in fact Calvin's brother

Literary Agent Hypothesis states that the events you see happened but have creative licence applied to them. So, one day Calvin's family agrees to have Watterson write comic strips of Calvin during his childhood. Somehow Watterson thinks it's a hilarious idea to portray Calvin's brother as a stuffed animal. Later, he gives up, and another artist (that is, the guy who does Zits) comes along and says he can write strips of Calvin as a teenager. This time he keeps Calvin's brother a human, but to avoid stepping on Watterson's toes, he gives the characters different names. This means that Hobbes was never a stuffed animal, but Watterson got a kick out of portraying him as one.

Theory: Hobbes is a Shinigami

His tuna addiction is similar to Ryuk's addiction to apples. Calvin has a Death Note, but can't use it because he doesn't want to make an Eye Deal until he knows how much life he has left himself, a fact Hobbes refuses to share. He keeps Suzie alive because he needs her to do something - he just hasn't figured out what. People only see Hobbes as a a stuffed tiger because he chose to possess a stuffed tiger. He can come out of the stuffed tiger at any time to show his true form; while he's inside the stuffed tiger, he looks like a real anthropomorphic tiger.


When Calvin grows up, he'll become a Kira. His alter ego, Tracer Bullet, will be the alias of T from Wammy's house.


Theory: The Armstrong family are all vampires, of the same sort as those in the Twilight series.

Major Armstrong's claim that he uses techniques "passed down the Armstrong line for generations" is a lie. He's merely an immortal who continuously uses the same techniques despite changing identities to keep people from being suspicious of his true nature, and merely claims that they've been passed down to him in case anyone notices the fact that his techniques are the same as his supposed "ancestors". This also explains why the Armstrongs all sparkle: Twilight vampires all sparkle in the sunlight.


Theory: Aizen is Sylar.

Perhaps an alternate future universe Sylar who has gained shinigami powers, perhaps by obtaining an ability to see ghosts—and who sliced open a random shinigami's brain and stole his powers. This would explain why Aizen is so unbeatable.


Besides, they sorta look alike.

Theory: Ichimaru Gin died in a car accident

He tried driving with his eyes shut.


Theory: Xander is another female Slayer.

The line diverged before Buffy drowned. Xander has been called as well. This is how 'he' can survive getting beaten and broken and stabbed in the eye and so forth. Everyone tolerates Xander's male delusion; it's harmless compared to, yanno, Angel going evil.


Theory: John Locke is reincarnated as Charlie The Unicorn

"Aw, they took my freakin' kidney!"


Yes, this is what I spend my days reading.




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Thus far, it's only served to enhance it!


...Except for all those times when I really should have been doing something else but was glued to my computer screen reading about The Chris Carter Effect and Chewbacca Defense instead.


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