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Sound Get

mercenary vahki


Today I got these in the mail, THE SOUNDENINGGGGGGG


Yeah so best idea of the month right there. Also I have relegated itunes to the "terrible software I only keep because it has one thing I need" pile. Really kids, don't buy idevices, or use that infernal store. It's like checking into an overpriced prison. And once you've invested, you can't get away without losing everything you paid for. Also terrible bitrates


tl;dr I switched to foobar2000, its da best


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Oh lol I just switched to foobar too because I don't need iTunes for my Touch any more. Love me some Android.


I can barely figure it out lol but at least it doesn't take 30 seconds to open.

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There's an ipod add-on, if you haven't found it already.


Also, what stuff do you have on your Incredible? (I'm assuming that's what you ended up with)

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>expensive headphones that arent bose


son, i am disappoint


how are those quality-wise/cash-wish

Son, I am dissapoint


Bose are good, but its the brand you're paying for. Sennheiser is generally regarded as superior among people who care about such things. These phones were originally $200, but I got them for half that on newegg. Sound is better than any Bose I've used, and they are noise-cancelling (passive).


Also they're technically professional monitoring headphones, so yeah, the best you can get without spending an absurd amount of money.

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How expensive were these?


I have my old Bose On-Ears that were a gift and pretty expensive but they aren't amazing. I kinda wanna get some Sennheisers just to see if they live up to their esteemed selves.


Oh and my apps are pitiful. I really should find some awesome ones.

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$100 on newegg. There's another pair for that, but I don't really know how they differ. I think the other ones are more for casual listening, and they don't have noise canceling.


And apps you need to get:



barcode reader

maybe a new keyboard, swype maybe

dropbox (if you use it)







coreplayer when it comes out


thats some of what I have installed now, maybe a task manager for good measure

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I must be heading on the right track then as I have most of those. I can't find Swype though and I want to try it. Is there a benefit of having Last.fm AND Pandora or can I just have Last.fm for my radio purposes?

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Well if you don't care about pandora features or other unique things it has, last.fm will be fine, and it automatically sends what you listen to in the music app to the site.

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Last.fm is so awesome with Android, it scrobbles what I listen to and sends it to the site AS I listen. Instead of waiting me to sync like my iPod.


I haven't used Pandora in forever.

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Also The Suburbs is apparently only $4 today on Amazon. :3


But yeah that would be your best bet. Don't use iTunes as the music has all the DRM and stuff. Eventually Android will be able to stream music from your computer to your phone, IF it doesn't have DRM. So yeah stay away from iTunes. heh

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Also, you can use subsonic to make your computer a music server, but you need to donate to get mobile app support. I have it, works great. Has relegated my ipod touch to a main floor stereo input. Also my droid sorta has 200GB of music on it lol

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That sounds tasty. :3


Also you wouldn't happen to know how those headphones you got would compare to my Bose ones would you? I dunno for only 100 buckaroos they are tempting, but that may just be me wanting new stuff. :L

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IDK really, but you could look up some reviews. I has massive dislike for on-ear headphones, though. Its like they can't make up their minds whether to be small or large

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Yeah I'm trying. And what bothers me is they are putting pressure on my ears and not just like aroundish. It bothers me/hurts after a while.

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