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Ignorance Is No Excuse... I've Tried.



Basic information is key to getting things done: if you don't know something or understand it fully, you shouldn't be afraid to ask. However, sometimes you'll do a lot better if you look up things before asking.


So much information is commonplace that a little digging will yield results; it's after you've tried to research that you ask questions. I don't mean taking five minutes and using a couple search sites and finding nothing: I mean actually trying. Search sites contain links, and those links lead to other links; some of them are worthless, but some are helpful.


Occasionally, it's necessary to bury yourself in information: it's better to know too much than not know enough... sometimes. Information that doesn't get used is pointless to have; information that isn't used wisely is even more pointless to have.


This will help you not just on BZPower: it will help you in real life. It's harder to accomplish something if you have to drop everything you're doing and go find a simple answer. All that does is cause delays, and a once simple answer becomes a now complicated problem.


One more thing: people often mistake ignorance and stupidity; don't confuse the two. Ignorance is just a simple lack of information; stupidity is not wanting to use the information you have.


©1984-2007 Toaraga EAM


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Exactly and before you make a topic that has please close if dupe on it, you should check first that it isn't a dupe.


Wait, in real life too Toarage? Aw man. :P Just kidding. :P



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Yeah, in school, a kid was absent, so didn't get the homework, and my teacher wasn't too happy when they told them they didn't know what the homework was (even though they had a week to find out)



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This reminds me of Sherlock Holmes, who was amazed to find out that there were 9 (at the time) planets. He quickly decided that he should forget it as quickly as possible.

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